View Full Version : New member

19-02-12, 03:54
Greetings from Greece everyone:)

I'm Aura, 21 years old female and I have been reading this site for quite a long time but I decided to share my experiences with you as well as some support :hugs:

I have been having panic attacks since I finished high school but I could still control my life and not let them affect my daily routines. Things got worse as time went by, and this last year has been horrible for me, I had a terrible panic attack on a plane (yup, awful) and since then things went downhill. I went to a psychiatrist who prescribed me antidepressants and Xanax, but I decided only to try the first ones.

I am now getting help from an amazing psychologist but my patience is running out. I also developed agoraphobia and a mild form of depression but it's still anxiety, constant-every-minute-of-every-day anxiety that tortures me that escalates to panic attacks. I guess a short way to describe what I'm feeling is that I fear the state of fear itself and I get anxious with anxiety if
that makes sense:scared15:

I will let you know more about my situation on another thread :)
Happy to find you all!

19-02-12, 03:55
Hi Aura

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-02-12, 12:52
Welcome Aura :welcome:

This is a great community and you will get loads of useful advice & may be able to help others with your experiences.

I too have developed agoraphobia from my PA's, not extreme but it certainly restricts my life. I also know what you mean about the fear of fear!

19-02-12, 13:04
Hi and welcome you'll get lots of help and support here :D x x

19-02-12, 23:16
Thank you everyone! :D