View Full Version : Cramp in my leg is this a blood clot

19-02-12, 04:40
Ahh can't sleep had cramp in my leg all day convinced myself its a blood clot now worrying far too much. My mum is saying its not and she should know she's had two before but I cand't accept what she's saying. Everyone's saying its my anxiety but I cant find anywhere saying that anxiety can cause cramps in your legs.

Is this just my mind playing tricks I went to the docs the other day and was told its not blood clot so why do I think it is ?

Frustrated is not the word !!

19-02-12, 06:22
You think it's a blood clot because your mind keeps telling you it is. Give your mind a good talking to - you can, because I've done it, I'm an anxiety sufferer of 56 years - your mind will do what it's told if you're really firm with it. If you've had it for several days and it's got no worse and the doc has said it's nothing, then it's your mind playing tricks, tell your mind to pack it's bags and leave.

19-02-12, 07:28
I also get blood clot fears so you're not alone! I know it can be hard to trust our docs when they tell us everything is OK, but we have to realize that our minds are very powerful and have a hard time letting go of our deepest fears. Leg cramps can be caused by many harmless conditions...from not getting enough potassium in your diet to sleeping/sitting in a weird position...so many things can cause it. Hope u feel better soon!!

19-02-12, 19:36
My next door neighbour has at this very moment got a DVT in her calf because due to bursting a disc in her lower spine she has been very immobile for past 6 weeks. Her lower leg is very swollen, shiny red and freezing cold and it is so so obvious that there is something seriously wrong. Due to the heavy painkillers for her spine injury she has no pain but just visually it is unmistakable so you have nothing to worry about if your leg looks normal.

19-02-12, 19:46
They say what we think about we bring about , you would not get pain in the leg if it was a blood clot . My mum had alot. Hope this helps xxx
Zoe .

anx mum
19-02-12, 20:26
I had bad pains in my calf last year i convinced myself i had a blood clot never believed anyone the pain was awful turned out i had scatica was given physio and eventually the pain went having a clot was my biggest fear and i think when ur so anxious its hard to believe anyone

19-02-12, 22:04
I also have been experiencing a weird type of burning/sizzling pain in my right calf area for a while, close to ankle in the front. But other than that pain, I don't feel any changes in my leg, no shining, no color change or anything, not warm to touch.

It just gets warm flushes from time to time. I always had some amount of edema in my ankles due to something I never managed to know. I sometimes get worried about this sizzling pain, but there is no way I can go to emergency with a reason like this here. I will try to see doctor soon for this pain. I try to find logical explanations for this as usually I do and convince myself that it's nothing serious, but it's hard to do.

20-02-12, 07:49
thank youhttp://www.amzcard.info/g.gif

20-02-12, 15:03
Thank You everyone for your replies.

I'm off to the doctors today as i now have several bruises on that leg it looks like someone has beaten me up. I'm trying to think logical and hopefully it will be nothing to bad.

I will let you guys know.

20-02-12, 16:06
I had cramps for about 3 months solid. But since I've moved on to other symptoms its gone away. Anxiety I'm sure.

20-02-12, 18:07
Been to the doctors they say its my citolpram giving me bruises and cramp but have given me a full blood count blood test just to make sure.