View Full Version : Feel myself slipping backwards...

19-02-12, 14:15
Haven't been here for a while. But lately I feel like I am slipping backwards into my old thought patterns when I used to have PAs regularly. Have had a couple of PAs in the past few weeks again.

I'm starting to dread the feeling of anxiety, and palpitiations that seem to come out of the blue! I'm begining to imagine situations where everything collapses because I have a panic attack at an inconvenient moment...

Of course, I know the answers:

Don't fear fear itself...
Bring-it-on mentality
remember palpitations/panic can't cause harm
Don't avoid situations

but it is always easier said than done, isn't it?

I think the trigger was changing job at work, to one with more prospects. Unfortunately this means some travel in Europe. My employers know about my situtation, and that I have a problem with flying, and say I can drive to most of the European places. But even that fill me with a certain amount of dread!

19-02-12, 15:46

Firstly congratualtions in taking on the more prosperous job!!

Think back to how you conquered your anxieties before and then try (I know its easier said than done) to use those trains of thoughts to get you through this.

You will be fine...you know you will...its that fear of the unknown again...I know it all so well and then the 'old feelings' stir again...try and break the pattern by remaining in a positive frame of mind.

Onwards and upwards...

Good luck to you.


19-02-12, 19:06
Hi, congratulations on your new job.
Ditto everything Jo says. Good advice:yesyes:
Enjoy the new challenges ahead of you and good luck.

19-02-12, 20:42
Change for me always brings anxiety and panic... I think the two go hand in hand.... Ride it out as best as you can!!! Good luck and congrats!

24-02-12, 21:13
Thanks for the kind words!

I re-read the section here on palpitations, and convinced myself they can do me no harm (always the most scary symptom, for me..)

I also noticed myself tensing up in certain situations, and preparing for an attack. This (as most here will know) is the worst thing you can do.

So I am feeling a bit more relaxed now...!