View Full Version : Everything was going so well :-(

19-02-12, 14:28

Well as the title says everything was going so well. Went back to work Wednesday, had a great day. Woke up Thursday with the horrible axious feelings creeping back and BANG!! Back again. I am so sick of feeling this way!! I was doing really well as well.

Hate waking up ona morning with that sickness feeling and having to run to the toilet!! I can't eat anything.. And have got my period!!

Called to see my mam this morning and just cried because I just want to be normal again!!!

I am functioning but not how I was 3 month ago!!!

Back to work again tomorrow & Tuesday for 2 other 11 hours shifts. I'm just confused at why its come back again. I was making good progress.

It all seems to happening before & during my period.

Has anyone got any ideas on this (girls only obviously)??

I feel possibly it is but just dont know??


Kendra x

19-02-12, 14:37
hi kendra before my period an whilst im having it im exactly like you anxiety through the blimmin roof.nor can i eat my stomach just feels so heavy bloated and in knots.its all to do with the hormones hun.i dread the week im due cause i go from happy outgoing kate to depressed moody anxious kate almost overnight!!! hope your feeling better soon hun x

19-02-12, 14:37
Hi Kendra, sorry to hear you have had a 'blip' that's all it is, remember that. It's happened to me a couple of times recently. Look back and see how far you have come, you've done so well up to now and you should be proud of yourself.

I think we are more emotional at that time of the month so maybe that clicks something in our brain and switches the anxiety back on.

I spoke to my GP on friday and he said it's normal to have a few hiccups on the way so I think you just got to expect that and don't beat yourself up about it :doh:

It will pass and you will get stronger again, tomorrow you may be a different person again:) good luck hun, sending big hugs to help you today :hugs: x

19-02-12, 14:44
This has happened to me recently, was doing really well and its come back, and I'm a bloke so nothing to do with hormones.

19-02-12, 14:53
Thank you eveyone, honest its really upsetting to have the blips. I knew I wasnt cured but well I don't know!!!

I have been hoping since Friday that I wake up and its gone but up until today it hasn't!!

Wish how long a knew the blip was going to be here...

Is there anything I can do to help with easying this? Herbal for hormones??

I'm currently not on meds just magnesium, evening primrose and vit B. Although I need to get jarrows vit B as I have heard it is the best? Is there anything else that could help??

In a way I hope it is all hormone realted becaused then I will have an answer and try to deal with it!!

GP won't listen to me when I thought it was before!! Been keeping a record and it does feel 100 times worse round this time??

Sorry for going on!!!

Kitti how are you getting on?? xx

19-02-12, 16:49
Hi Kendra. When you are getting over or recovering from anxiety which you are. The anxious brain wont give up easily. Try to think of it as a chance to practice what you did before. I would suggest you still go to work. It will be hard. Ignore the feelings just say its anxiety it feels terrible but i wont die. I will just carry on.

Dr claire weekes has said carrying on in panic and fear is just as much a success as feeling fine. If you can get to work and through the day with anxiety with you. Thats a bigger success than getting to work feeling fine.

Think of it as a chance to practice again and get through this. It may even come back stronger but thats anxiety trying to remind you. Keep going let it happen and don't fight. x

19-02-12, 19:45
Thank you!! Its so hard!!! When its here its all I can think about, talk about and dream about. I have cried nearly all day just wanting to be normal again. I want to be enjoying my life and not just functioning in it and getting by. I have so much to be happy about. A lovely husband and son. I have to re-aply for my job at work and thats the only bad thing at the moment in my life!

I search so hard for answers and i'm not finding any!! x x

19-02-12, 20:18
Hi Kendra.
I found that the time of month affected my anxiety levels. You know why you are feeling down at certain times. Accept it and know that it is not a step backwards just mother nature making things a bit difficult right now.
Take special care of yourself at this time. Relaxing baths, lavender candles, whatever does it for you to chill out for a bit.
I asked my GP about all this girlie stuff. All the nausea, upset tum, headache, being tearful etc. it's definitely hormones. I remember bursting into tears over a pigeon with a limp once - what a pr*t:D

19-02-12, 20:25
I can relate to this also. I have kept a diary and my anxiety def goes through the roof a week before I am due on. Flossie you made me laugh as I burst into tears over a pigeon with one foot a few months ago - I obsessed over it for ages! x

19-02-12, 20:43
Flossie you made me laugh as I burst into tears over a pigeon with one foot a few months ago - I obsessed over it for ages! x
:roflmao:Glad I'm not the only one then.
Poor pigeons.