View Full Version : New and very dizzy

19-02-12, 16:31
I have been struggling with anxiety for over a year now and experienced every symptom described in the articles. The reassurance I get from reading the forum has helped me make some good progress. I have a long way to go and have daily reminders but my worst symptom by far is dizziness and hoping upcoming CBT can help with this. I find it almost impossible to self manage this problem as it is so random. Any help would be appreciated?:)

19-02-12, 16:33
Hi Waveroo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-02-12, 17:26
:welcome: waveroo to nmp, i have the same as you the worse symptom is feeling dizzy, and the fear of fainting, i try to go with it and let it pass , but it is not easy, and as you say comes at random times.

hope you enjoy your time here and get lots of support xx

19-02-12, 17:40
Thanks Pinkdove. The dizziness always gets me anxious and sometimes even get dizzy lying in bed without a single stressful thought. It's so difficult to ignore and I too fear the faint but it never actually happens.

19-02-12, 20:49

19-02-12, 21:41
Hi Waveroo, I too suffer from the dizziness mine usually comes just before I go anywhere or if I get stressed at work. Tried everything but breathing deeply and telling myself it's juch a symptom (for the moment) and that it will pass helps.

27-02-12, 20:28
Ive been trying with some success standing still and closing my eyes and accepting the dizziness. Works only the comfort of home though.

28-02-12, 09:58
hi..im new too, the dizziness is by far is the most stressful symptom 4 me 2.. and that foggy headed feeling dont no if u get that but i hate it and then thats wat makes me panic as i notice the feeling... im also tryin the accept the feeling and wait for it to pass and yes it works as others have said at home... i was in asda the other day at the pharmacy which is rite by the doors, and at 1st i was ok ten came the lightheadness and i thought oh please not now.. i tried tapping the table telling my self NO.. looking at the exit thinking shall i run.. but i had to wait for my daughters prescription.. the fear took over and i thought i was goin to faint so i went to the security guard and said i feel panicky can i just talk to you for a minute.. as soon as i engaged in conversation the panic disappeared. its amazing to no that if you dont give fear the time of day it wont appear but is such a har thing to ignore..
just thought id share that story:blush:

28-02-12, 10:55
Yeah I can certainly associate with what you're saying especially supermarkets. I can't stand the lighting in these places as my vision is hypersensitive to spot lights and fluourescents which then sets me off on the dizzy spiral. Holding on to the trolley is a life saver.

From what I've read I think the idea is not to fight the dizziness and instead let it wash over without reacting. Seems simple yet incredibly difficult for me. Even with a distraction I sense the negative thoughts creeping in. Take a train platform for example and passing trains how do you keep the dizziness at bay when there is a danger if you fall over due to dizziness.

28-02-12, 13:35
I know how you feel, you will get loads of help here and make great friend.