View Full Version : please help!!!!

21-06-06, 05:38
hi again
i am just sitting here packing my house to move and every time i bend down this stupid headache gets really bad
i really need to know if any of you have expieranced a headache that has lasted about a month straight from the time you wake up till you go to bed that gets worse when you do things
i am trying really hard to not think its a tumour and the doctor wont give me a scan for one anyway he keeps telling me its caused by my ha and ocd but i really am starting to get really scared bout the whole thing
i have never suffered headaches before.. ever...
so can it seriously just be this disorder or not ???
please help !!!
thanks kiss

21-06-06, 06:31
Hi Kiss......you need to calm down sweetie. I've had the exact same thing before. I never had headaches then all of a sudden I seemed to have one constantly and at my worst level...i pretty much just waited to die. I was telling everybody about the headache so they knew what it was if I died and I felt like telling my partner I loved him in just in case. after 3-4 visits to my doctor...(who also wouldn't give me a scan because headaches are not what docs look for to diagnose a tumour) it just faded away after a few days. I definately think it gets worse the more we think about it. I still gets head pains and headaches but I'm on meds and I react normally about it now. You really to think about giving them a go. I'm not saying I'm better but I feel so close to my old happy self that it's just a matter of time. I still see my doc to talk about everything and I still get temporary waves of ha but not constant fear like before. Of course bending down will make it worse.....and you're moving house. Your head is NORMAL...you need to fix your HA or it will NEVER end...trust me....try to relax...I'm thinkin of ya x

21-06-06, 07:06
hey chevychaser, thanks heaps for the reasurrance it means alot
i know i should calm down and think rationally about my symtpoms.. its so nice and comforting to no that you and so many other people on here get the same headaches i was just getting really worried when they started getting real bad from bending over alot
thanks again
i will try to calm down :)
and start treating this ******* of a disorder lol :D

21-06-06, 09:19
Hi I thought I was the only one who got headaches made worse by bending down. the Dr told me that it's just my anxiety.
Hope you feel better soon!

Take care



21-06-06, 10:21

You have read my post this week about my wretched head pains.......Oh they just do my head in....Pun intended!!!!

It is stress, which is what you have told me. The more i think about the more they stay etc etc. I feel great from chevys reply that docs do not look for headaches as a symptom of a tumour. I have been to the docs about my tumour/aneurysm so many times its untrue!!!! They wont scan me either!

My uncles sister died of a heomarrage a couple of years ago after having terrible migranes, and from then onwards i obssess. but you know these things are rare, and isnt it about time we enjoyed life.

I think about.... what if i do die early, i will only have memories of worrying rather then enjoying....oh if only i could take my own advise eh....lol

Hay x

21-06-06, 10:37
I think the tension we hold in our muscles, mainly the ones in the back of the neck are responsible here.

A good yoga stretch can help - take the tips of your two main fingers and rest them on your chin, gently press the fingers pressing your chin down towards your chest. You should feel this stretch along the back of the neck, do it for 10 seconds then swap and do it with the fingers of the other hand.

I often get it worse when I bend down too - I think with me though that is more in the way of sinus pain.

I can go months without headaches and then have a week of it, same with the dizziness and palpitations too. All sent to try us!!!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-06-06, 12:26
hi kiss it,s horrible i know when ha takes hold but you have to just keep telling yourself that thats all it really is!i was reading a post by a guy on here who once was convinced he had a tumour,he also had headaches that lasted for a long time!his user name is SFAOK.put his name into the:search forum:and check out his posts they are great!hope this helps take care rachelx x x

Ma Larkin
21-06-06, 14:55
Hiya, it hurts more when we bend down because of the blood flow pressing on nerves, sometimes even making us feel dizzy. I hate the headaches, but they are all part of anxiety & I too suffered like crazy when I moved. I think moving house was the most stressful time of my life. I didn't want to go but had no choice, & had to do it by myself with 3 young children.

It is just stress & hope it settles down for you soon.

Take care, Les