View Full Version : What is IBS and what does it feel like?

19-02-12, 18:48
Yesterday I had really bad stomcah cramps/pains for hours and was sick but didn't feel ill like you would if you had a bug. Tonight it seems to be coming back and wondering if it could be IBS. I put it down to the Valerian I took last night but not sure now.

Oh, my stomach feels slightly bloated and have some gas. I ended up thinking it was indigestion as the pain moved to my upper abdomen where you would usually get indigestion but then moves to most places round my stomach area.

EDIT: It seems to be happening in the evening

20-02-12, 21:03
In order for a Dr to diagnose ibs, cramps have to be related to a change in bowel movements. So if you're going more often or you're constipated as well as the pain and sickness then it could be ibs. If it goes on for more than a week or if you're really in pain then go see your GP who will ask more questions and maybe send you for some tests.
however, there could be a number of things that would give you stomach pain/discomfort and if it doesn't carry on for longer than a couple of days then I'd definitley say it's just a reaction to something your tummy found irritating. When you're in pain, try eating simple easy digestable food like rice, pasta, bananas etc.
hot water bottles, hot baths, hot drinks but NOT coffee (especially herbal teas like fennel, chamomile or ginger)