View Full Version : Stressed about norovirus - please help calm me down

19-02-12, 23:07
My HA is bad at the moment and I'm so stressed tonight, not sure anymore if I am reacting normally. Friend's toddler vomited while in her arms as I was saying goodbye to her this afternoon and some went on my boots and bottom of my jeans. Got home, put jeans on hot wash changed all clothes, bleached boots, washed hands thoroughly and hoped I was ok. But while I was cleaning up I licked my lips and now convinced I have caught it from vomit particles when toddler was sick

Texted my friend and toddler has been sick on and off for last few days/weeks she says and she thought it was due to a cold he's had but now isn't sure. So does this sound like a bug - norovirus is my worst fear? I know children can be sick when they have colds/ear infections etc. I just hate the whole waiting period and I can't concentrate on anything. How likely is it that I've got noro?

19-02-12, 23:34
Hi there
From what I know of Noro, it does not come and go; it just goes through you and is then gone. A youngster who is on/off sicky over a period, does not have noro by the sound of it. If they did, they would be constantly sick and pretty unwell. Kids do tend to throw up with minor viruses/colds etc, fR more than adults. Its just how their little bods reject the bug. I would suggest that the chances of it being Noro are pretty slim and even less likely that anything would have been passed to you. Relax, be positive and try not make yourself feel worse by worrying about it. I'm sure you'll be fine.
Take care

20-02-12, 07:48
thank youhttp://www.amzcard.info/g.gif