View Full Version : My CBT experience

20-02-12, 07:31
My CBT experience -
I finished my course of CBT on Friday, not sure how long I was going for but think it was since around Sept last year.

It definatly has worked to a degree but I am definalty not 'cured'

The only way I can explain it is - before my CBT I felt as if I was drowning, now I feel like I just have my head above water, but its a constant battle, this little negative/irrational though monster keeps pulling me under, but I try to use the tools I learned in CBT to get back to the surface.

I wonder if I will ever climb out of the water or will I always be treading water?

My next step is that I am going to start mindfulness meditation, just 10 mins a day - I hope this will help me to stop dwelling on the negative thoughts and be able to help them to float away.

Although this weekend I have had a lapse I am determined to move on and up - as I cant slip back - I just cant cope like that.

21-02-12, 23:27
I had CBT about 5 years ago for panic attacks. As you mentioned, it gives you the tools to deal with your issues in the correct way. I still remember and use my tools to ease my PA's. It's not always sucessful but I think generally I can understand what is happening to me physically and handle them a little better now.

I had quite a good spell of 'being above the water' but as you mention mostly I am always just treading, and sometimes I still go under.

I think the meditation thing is a good idea. Remember, it's early days for you and you will have ups and downs along the road. Your determination is commendable and I wish you lots of luck :)

Lion King
03-03-12, 13:32
Hi debbsi,

I had CBT, I felt really well afterwards, the best way I could recover was to keep testing myself to keep fresh with the techniques and build my confidence. I suffered from SAD and GAD and was in a bad place. That was 3 years ago, I am no longer on my medication and I still find some days a battle, My biggest battle is confidence, I am really over critical with myself and I can be very sensitive so I find it hard to keep that constant feeling of being in a good place.

I have found that exercising, a good diet with plenty of fish plus fish supplements have helped, but when I slip from doing any of these 3 things I start to worry I will become anxious again and that feeds the anx on (a bit of OCD I think). I'm going to maintain the 3 things, the exercise does help with switching off as a form of mindful meditation, the diet and supplement do seem to work but I am always conscious that they are merely a placebo.

I wish you well, just thought I'd give a little insight into what can help.