View Full Version : More Health worries

20-02-12, 08:52
Just posting because my health anxiety is getting worse and worse. I have a pain around my lower right ribs to the stomach and back area. I always think its the worst possible outcome. I have passed blood a few times and the doctor diagnosed IBS and diverticulitus, I keep thinking hes got it wrong, or the blood wasnt from my bowel but my stomach. They have checked my stools,urine and blood, I have had a colonoscopy but I am still worried. If one thing is ruled out I start feeling pains elsewhere. Its got to the point where I dont know if I have always felt that pain! My mood is down beyond belief. Everyday i spend in a panic, feeling aches and pains :-( Dont know how long I can continue to live in panic

20-02-12, 08:58
poor you, i really understand, i am going thru the same but with on going ache in my groin and next to my belly button, of course i think the worse..... :(
My partner is 42 and has diverticular disease, he passes blood regualrly nd also has IBS, your colonoscopy would for sure pick up anything bad... so please try not to worry xxx he never ever worries, he find symptoms are decreased taking regular lactulose, xxx HA is a awful thing isnt it,, you lose all sense of reality and rationialistion, but its not you, remmember you are fine XXX xxxx take care xxx

20-02-12, 09:10
Thanks Pearl, I will try the lactulose advice. I really feel I am close to going mental!

20-02-12, 09:24
i really understand, i have all manor of test and scans over the last three months yet i just cant stop worrying that i have cancer..

my partner gets really cross with me cuz even tho the docs say im fine, cuz of all my pains i cant get shot of the 'what if!' in my head... if i stop worrying , i might miss something, and then it will be too late.

i have gone over about 5 different typed of cancer lately, yet my doctors just say, sort out my anxiety and it will all go away. easier said than done...

Really know how the frustration and the fear can knock you for six, for you truly believe your symptoms. You are NOT goin mental, trust me... <3


---------- Post added at 09:24 ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 ----------

also avoid, nuts, seeds and too much prosessed foods and white bread :) drink plenty of water xx (where diverticular is concerned)