View Full Version : Headaches

20-02-12, 11:27
Does anyone else seem to have a daily headache?

I seem to wake up with tension type in my forehead. I never need to take anything for it. Its from my left temple to my right temple, and my temples feel tender to touch. My neck and shoulders are sore and tense.

It feels worse sometimes in the night which has worried me but then my shoulders and neck feel sore so hoping its not a sign of anything sinister.

I told my dr who said its tension from anxiety.

20-02-12, 12:44
Defo anxiety!i go through these headaches from time to time, i have mega sessions of it, becuase i carry my tension in my neck, then takes ages to get out of the habit and i have to remind my self to loosen up!!! and have to keep dropping my shoulders cuz they're up round my ears ;) i can get up to a month of it day in day out until i relax.. horrible and irritating!!! Hope yours goes soon... xxx

20-02-12, 12:53
yep, just took some nurofen now!
tension from anxiety...which is typically in the forehead area..

20-02-12, 13:00
Yep... and even headache tablets are not working. i have a tendancy to "twich" my eyebrows, too. Odd, i know but it feels like theres some deep itch right behind my forehead and the only way to stop it is to do a quick "frown". I think that causes a lot of my headaches. That, and the fact that i clench my teeth a lot.

eternally optimistic
20-02-12, 13:19
Yeah, I can relate.

Headache every day, I used to get.

I am a bit more laid back these days and therefore dont get them quite so often.

Have you tried Syndol for tension head aches?

20-02-12, 13:19
Hi Jakesmummy,

My partner had suffered from these for months going upto a year, she's been going to the docs for ages about it and they have always told her she didin't have the classic symptoms of anything more serious and everythime have given her a different type of painkiller as paracetamol didn't work. To reassure her they referred her to a neurologist who conducted an MRI. She has found out that the headaches are tension headaches and are anxiety related. She would get them everyday, the neurologist asked her to conduct a headache diary and what medication she had had. The outcome was that the headache medication she was on, was actually contributing to the headaches (a medication headache the neurologist called it). She also found that caffeine was a big factor and has since cut it out all together and has decaf. Since this she has had very little headaches and does not get them everyday anymore. Good luck with them, I hope you soon start to feel better.


miss sparkle
20-02-12, 17:24
yep pretty much all day everyday on and off x