View Full Version : Here is the cure for panic attacks, I assure you.

21-06-06, 09:42
Dr Claire Weekes, MBE, MB, DSc, FRACP, has probably done more than anybody else to show people suffering from nervous illness how to help themselves and recover. She is renowned internationally for her special understanding and treatment of nervous illness (eg the anxiety state in all its forms). Her books, audio tapes, and video, are recommended by doctors and used in treatment centres all over the world. This remarkable woman, who pioneered self help in psychiatry, was nominated for the Nobel prize for medicine in 1983, and again in 1990. She was years ahead of her time and her work is as relevant now as it has always been.

Dr Weekes originally studied science and was the first woman to obtain a Doctor of Science degree at the University of Sydney. She worked in research for a number of years before going into medicine eventually being elected a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Being both a scientist and a physician, Dr Weekes knows that mind and body work together. She believes that nervous illness can begin very simply, developing from stress and nervous fatigue to produce a pattern of symptoms which can become more frightening to the sufferer than the original cause of their illness or breakdown. So afraid of “the state they are in” patients become trapped in a cycle of nervous suffering. Dr Weekes' methods show people how they can break out of this cycle. She teaches them how to reverse the pattern of its development by learning to think and behave differently. That way they can find their own inner strength by developing the right inner voice, which brings about permanent cure.
When she was cramming for her medicine finals Dr Weekes became nervously exhausted herself. Being a scientist first, she could figure out in scientific terms what was happening to her own biochemistry and work out what to do to put herself back together again by changing her attitude towards the situation she was in, seeing things from a different point of view and altering her mood. She found that over a period of time she could alter her stress hormones, increasing the ones that made her feel better and decreasing the ones that made her feel dreadful. Her genius lay not only in discovering this when she was down herself, but being able to communicate it to other people in simple language, so that tired minds could more easily absorb the information.

Her work, which is internationally acclaimed, is based on her own personal experience of nervous exhaustion, her experiences as a doctor helping and observing her patients with all forms of nervous illness, and her ingeniously applied scientific knowledge. She would never claim to cure people, she would always say she showed people how they could cure themselves. And many thousands have done the world over.

You can get her book 'Self Help for Your Nerves' free at your library. I'm totally cureed, after 14 years of suffering. Enjoy your new life.


Hi Folks, I suffered severe panic attacks for 14 yrs. I got cured last year. After suffering for so long I thought it was impossible for me to recover. Now I am cured and will never go back to that life of terror. I came across a book called 'self help for your nerves' at my libaray, I read it about 20 times and I practised the small step that was suggested. I strongly advise anyone wanting to be cured to get this book by Dr. Claire Weekes, she was nominated for the nobel prise medicne in 1983 & 1990 for her work in showing people the cure. She was a scientist before she became a doctor and a previous sufferer herself. www.drclaireweekes.co.uk read her story, you need to gain faith in the person showing you the way, you will be cured I assure you. Good luck and enjoy your new life.

Dr Claire Weekes, MBE, MB, DSc, FRACP, has probably done more than anybody else to show people suffering from nervous illness how to help themselves and recover. She is renowned internationally for her special understanding and treatment of nervous illness (eg the anxiety state in all its forms)

21-06-06, 10:30
Hi Denis,

Think we are all with you on that one mate - Claire Weekes is somewhat of a saint on this forum.

I got her book years ago and it helped me no end.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-06-06, 10:31
well done denis,

i have heard of this authour but i havent read any of her books, i will be looking now though. keep up the good work

take care ruthb1

21-06-06, 11:54
Hi Denis, I want to be cured (who doesn't?), got the book and read it. I am not cured.

Take care



21-06-06, 15:07
Chucklehound, if you have read Dr. Weekes books and are not cured, I am very surprised, The fact is you are terrified of 'nothing more than a physical feeling' simple as that. The trick is to Face the feeling of fear```facing the feeling make it as bad as you can, you will be surprised to find a 'hot feeling in your stomach, a burning feeling up your spine, pins & needles in your hands, a throbbing feeling in your temples, could have held such terror for you.

Don't take this the wrong way, but remember this, Weekes suffered a complete breakdown, then went on to find the cure..was made an MBE by your queen.

The trick I used was, when reading her way out of panic was, to remember, that I am not a genius like her. I was not nominated for a 'Nobel prise Medicne' twice. I was not a 'scientist before I became a Doctor' I was not made an MBE? If I was so smart how come I fell into the panic trap? So I layed on her genius. I kept telling myself that, on my way to cure, it took time. Why do doctors in psych clinics all around the globe, give out her books? translated into eight languages?

It is no more than emotional and mental exhaustion.

As you face the feeling, you loose your fear of fear.

Go for it!!


Hi Folks, I suffered severe panic attacks for 14 yrs. I got cured last year. After suffering for so long I thought it was impossible for me to recover. Now I am cured and will never go back to that life of terror. I came across a book called 'self help for your nerves' at my libaray, I read it about 20 times and I practised the small step that was suggested. I strongly advise anyone wanting to be cured to get this book by Dr. Claire Weekes, she was nominated for the nobel prise medicne in 1983 & 1990 for her work in showing people the cure. She was a scientist before she became a doctor and a previous sufferer herself. www.drclaireweekes.co.uk read her story, you need to gain faith in the person showing you the way, you will be cured I assure you. Good luck and enjoy your new life.

Dr Claire Weekes, MBE, MB, DSc, FRACP, has probably done more than anybody else to show people suffering from nervous illness how to help themselves and recover. She is renowned internationally for her special understanding and treatment of nervous illness (eg the anxiety state in all its forms). Her books, audio tapes, and video, are recommended by doctors and used in treatment centres all over the world. This remarkable woman, who pioneered self help in psychiatry, was nominated for the Nobel prize for medicine in 1983, and again in 1990. She was years ahead of her time and her work is as relevant now as it has always been.

Dr Weekes originally studied science and was the first woman to obtain a Doctor of Science degree at the University of Sydney. She worked in research for a number of years before going into medicine eventually being elected a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Being both a scientist and a physician, Dr Weekes knows that mind and body work together. She believes that nervous illness can begin very simply, developing from stress and nervous fatigue to produce a pattern of symptoms which can become more frightening to the sufferer than the original cause of their illness or breakdown. So afraid of “the state they are in” patients become trapped in a cycle of nervous suffering. Dr Weekes' methods show people how they can break out of this cycle. She teaches them how to reverse the pattern of its development by learning to think and behave differently. That way they can find their own inner strength by developing the right inner voice, which brings about permanent cure.
When she was cramming for her medicine finals Dr Weekes became nervously exhausted herself. Being a scientist first, she could figure out in scientific terms what was happening to her own biochemistry and work out what to do to put herself back together again by changing her attitude towards the situation she was in, seeing things from a different point of view and altering her mood. She foun

21-06-06, 15:17
If it was as simply as readin a book denis then why r we all still here?? i have also read the book as have many members and we are not 'cured'!
I am not disputin her book is good! im glad it worked for u but to assure us all its cure isnt true coz as i said lots of us have read it and r still fightin!!

21-06-06, 15:33
if reading a book was the cure then why do we have sites like this and so many people suffer with them i know chuckle and i know how hard it is and what she has been through...

so i dnt think a book can cure it all but can halp a lil with teaching you things ...

if it worked for you than thats good but we are all different...

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

21-06-06, 15:44
what a strong debate.....but not really getting anyone anywhere eh!

Hay x

21-06-06, 16:07
Does the book come with a money back guarantee?

Cured for life or your money back?

Take care



21-06-06, 16:46
This is all getting slightly out of context now....and not helping anyone i think.

Hay x

21-06-06, 17:00
No Hayles it's not helping anyone but Denis saying a book can cure people is not helping either.

Take care



21-06-06, 23:41
If I could act as mediator for one second..............

The answer lies between both points of view. One very crucial point has been missed out here and that is that YOU must take responsibility and put ACTION in place.

If you want to look everywhere for a "miracle cure" that somebody is going to give you, then you are unlikely to find it in my humble opinion. The answer lies inside each of us.

Outside guidance, help and support are needed without doubt.

The answer IS in her books but you have to DO IT. As she says herself "salvation lies in repeated doing". And this can take a long time but I believe her method is right.
Her method.......our responsibility.
Without action her words are of no use to you. And as she so rightly says, "it's simple but not easy!!"

Personally, I found the best way to use her material was to keep coming back to it. I've lost count of the number of times I consulted her book or listened to her audio. The funny thing was that each time certain aspects of her words took on a slightly different meaning. As you evolve, so little doors of understanding open and something you had thought insignificant in her words suddenly leaps out at you and realisation gradually dawns. As you get better the material takes on new life.

I know we all have very different and often traumatic situations and paths that bring us to the same state of high anxiety, panic and depression but I truly believe that the method she proposes will always work. Look at anything out there today and is it really any different from what she put forward when you boil it down and remove the fancy packaging???????

In short, it's not a book to be read once and ticked off. It's a vital reference piece to be constantly used as a tool on your road to recovery in my opinion.

Just a thought (as somebody once said!) :D


P.S. Come on England!!!!!

22-06-06, 09:07
Here here trev......Maybe that will put an end to what has now become a silly argument!"

Hay x

22-06-06, 09:20
Trev - spot on me old mate!!!

This is exactly how I use her book too - sometimes its the health angle I need reassurance on and other times its the emotional side. Either way it's a smashing book to AID recovery!!!! (Doesn't have anything in it about Pringle addiction though :D:D:D)!

Piglet :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-06-06, 10:16
Piglet, you mean your copy is missing the chapter :- "Pringles - How To Cure Your Licking Addiction".

Are you also missing the chapter :- "Rolos - A Guaranteed Cure To Help You Stop Sucking The Chocolate Bit Off And Spitting The Soggy Toffee Inside Bit At Passers By"???

If so, I'd take it back to the shop mate and complain if I were you. Let us know how you get on!! :D[:o)]:D[:o)]:D

On a more serious note, how are you doing?
Are you still doing the telephone course?

Trev :D

22-06-06, 11:14

I love reading your 'posts'. Your sense of humour is great, and you also talk a lot of sense. Not that I want to give you a big head or anything just put the cheque in the post !!!!

Jenny xxxxxxx

22-06-06, 11:17
this is becoming a lot more light hearted.....much better.
Nothing like a litle chuckle to help you along your way x

Hay x

22-06-06, 12:45
Trev it's most unfair of you to bring up the spitting rolos addiction - I sooo over that now and have moved on big time to doing something similiar with creme eggs!!!!!:D:D:D:D Quite tiring on the old mouth muscles though![:I]:D

The pringles are now under some sort of control but every now and again I have to have a pringle night and all my friends bring their own tube and we sit in a circle licking the flavour off - we had a police raid recently (helicopters and the whole works) and we are all up in court next month cos of this unsavoury habit. I am now known as Madame Pringle!!!

The course is going really well and I have only one more week to go - the numbers dropped from 10 at the beginning down to just a few and I can't help feeling that had something to do with me [:I][:I][:I].

It was definately worth going on because I can see progress in lots of areas - mainly that old chestnut of admitting I have a problem. Funny don't mind telling the world about my pringle prob but get me discussing panic and I clam up nicely.

Take care old bean.

Piglet :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-06-06, 13:49
what is this telephone course you are all talking about - it sounds interesting

Hay x

22-06-06, 14:18
[?]hi all,support and advice needed, as agree with everything trev & dennis said, that this is the only way to beat panic, but what if you have'nt got your confidence back in your ability to just let it happen, and not completely lose control and then you find out that you could very well have a very big life change thrust upon you because your husband's well paid job is relocating to barcelona? i know how to get better if i'm in control, but now i'm not and i'm very upset. but worrying that if i talk to ANYONE they will be less than sympathetic and make me feel like i should have been grateful that my husband had had a well paid job for 6 years when lot's and lot's of people survive on peanuts? (bearing in mind that i have lived hand to mouth all of my like until i met mark and i don't want to live like that again:( emmas

22-06-06, 14:22
Its a course run for agoraphobia and the like by the charity NoPanic - to join you have to pay £10 and then the actual course itself is free.

Certainly worth looking into.:D


Love Piglet x

22-06-06, 14:58
yuor are soooo right trev

valid point denis it is a remarkable book but hard to do when the symptoms are at their worst

im still trying though


22-06-06, 15:25
Piglet - Am not agrophobic, just suffer from terrible
health anxiety. so they do a telephone course for that?

Hay x

22-06-06, 18:27
Ooh not sure hun - have a little look round the site and see, I know alot of us on there did also feel health anxious (goes with the territory I think).

Piglet x

22-06-06, 23:47
Blimey, I pop in expecting a single answer from Piglet and there's a whole new page of stuff!!!!

Jenny, I won't bother with the cheque, I'll just set up a monthly direct debit and you can say nice things about me every day!! We'll keep it quiet so nobody knows. [^]

Piglet, lol. Don't get me started on Creme Eggs, they're my favourite and Walnut Whips might be joint favourite. I'm not even starting on your mouth muscle business. A surefire visit to the land of Carry On again if I do. So it's Madame Pringle eh?? I can see that one sticking! :D
Glad to hear the course has gone well.

Emmas, confidence is a gradual thing and an ever changing thing in my opinion. Sometimes it's up and sometimes it's down. When it's down we feel lost and vulnerable.
I'm no expert. All I'd say is remember that it is your perception of outside stressful events that governs how stressful they are to you. In alot of cases you can re-frame an event and suddenly the importance of certain aspects changes.
I don't know who said this but there is a quote along the lines of "there is no such thing as right and wrong, but thinking makes it so" The same event happening to two different people could be judged completely differently by each. One could love it and think it was great and the other could hate it and spiral into despair. It just comes down to how you think about it.
Some things are out of our control and it is best to accept this. Control plays a big part I think in alot of this stuff. Loss of control in lots of areas creates fear for many. I suppose it comes down to focus on the things you can change and forget about those you can't. Easy said I know. Perhaps not so easy to do in some cases. Good luck with it though. I'm sure it will all work out for the best in some way. New opportunities may come from the change. Who knows??????

Cheers all,
Trev :D

polly daydream
23-06-06, 00:17
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">If I could act as mediator for one second..............

The answer lies between both points of view. One very crucial point has been missed out here and that is that YOU must take responsibility and put ACTION in place.

If you want to look everywhere for a "miracle cure" that somebody is going to give you, then you are unlikely to find it in my humble opinion. The answer lies inside each of us.

Outside guidance, help and support are needed without doubt.

The answer IS in her books but you have to DO IT. As she says herself "salvation lies in repeated doing". And this can take a long time but I believe her method is right.
Her method.......our responsibility.
Without action her words are of no use to you. And as she so rightly says, "it's simple but not easy!!"

Personally, I found the best way to use her material was to keep coming back to it. I've lost count of the number of times I consulted her book or listened to her audio. The funny thing was that each time certain aspects of her words took on a slightly different meaning. As you evolve, so little doors of understanding open and something you had thought insignificant in her words suddenly leaps out at you and realisation gradually dawns. As you get better the material takes on new life.

I know we all have very different and often traumatic situations and paths that bring us to the same state of high anxiety, panic and depression but I truly believe that the method she proposes will always work. Look at anything out there today and is it really any different from what she put forward when you boil it down and remove the fancy packaging???????

In short, it's not a book to be read once and ticked off. It's a vital reference piece to be constantly used as a tool on your road to recovery in my opinion.

Just a thought (as somebody once said!) :D


P.S. Come on England!!!!!

<div align="right">Originally posted by Trev - 22 June 2006 : 00:41:05</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Nice one trev, spot on!!!


23-06-06, 09:29
Oooh I had temporarily forgotten about walnut whips - I suppose I could try getting all the filling out and then spitting the outer cover. Don't think I could achieve anything like the distance I did with my original rolos though!!!!

Oh those where the days!!! When all you had to do to have fun was sneak into the pictures and spit out the toffee part of rolos and watch it stick in the hair of the people in front of you!!!

I now need a new pastime to suit my more mature age!!!

Piglet :D:D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-06-06, 09:43
Thanks for the tip piglet x

Hay x

23-06-06, 14:02
Piglet - knitting and jigsaw puzzles at your age matey, you know getting too over excited is just isn't good for you now. Plus rolo's and pringles just aren't very good on the old false teeth, we don't want them shooting across the room when you try to spit those rolo's out do we lol.

Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-06-06, 14:15
Ey you Missy!!!!!

What do you think I had planned for you when you come to visit [}:)]:D:D:D:D

Piglet xxxxx

23-06-06, 15:08

25-06-06, 12:01

Just wondered if anyone elses has tried Megs CD course? I've been running with this since June and it's very good. As all the other posts have said, it's about the effort you put in, however I've found them really easy to follow and put into practice. Claire Weekes is great as always, but I do like listening to how Meg got through her own anxiety problems and how she went about changing. [Meg is a moderator on this forum]

As Trev said, you need to find what works for you. I have loads of meditation CD's but only about two of them I find really help.

In case you're wondering what I'm talking about...



p.s. Madame Pringle really made me laugh!!! HAHA

~~~ It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS. ~~~

25-06-06, 13:48

I have a set of Meg's CD's as well and agree that they are very good and easy to listen to.


26-06-06, 11:51
Piglet, don't go spitting those outer shells of the Walnut Whips.......that's my favourite bit. Just save them all up in an egg box or something and send them to me when you've got a dozen.
Trac, she'll struggle with the jigsaw puzzles at her age mate. Can't see the bits too well these days, let alone put them together!! :D:D

Emmas, good for you and I hope it all works out for the best.

Graham, I'd also highly recommend Meg's CD course. I have a set but I got it when I was feeling alot better. I still found it very useful though. I just wish I had found it alot sooner. I think she takes alot of Claire Weekes' stuff and moves it on for the modern day as well as encompassing other aspects such as diet, etc.
I only know Claire's stuff so well because I was lucky enough to be pointed in her direction when I first started having problems. It was the best thing for me until finding this site 9 months later and it was then that I got Meg's course.
If anyone is thinking about getting it but a bit unsure I would say go for it. It's a brilliant program and it does really help to hear the personal stories. I used Meg's stuff in the car alot as well if I was having a dodgy day (not the relaxation CD though!!!!).

Trev :D

26-06-06, 16:04
Hey, I'm good at jigsaws - if the pieces don't fit then I just force them together that way you get a totally new picture!!!!!!:D:D:D:D

Piglet x

26-06-06, 18:22
And that's the reason we worry about you so much matey lol xx

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

26-06-06, 22:01

Piglet xx

26-06-06, 22:57

Reminds me of the stool I made in woodwork at school.

I just filched other boys' cast offs hoping they'd fit my "craftwork":D


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

26-06-06, 23:07
I love knitting and jigsaws, does that make me old and boring??/

27-06-06, 09:39
LOL yeah!:D
Knitting[|)] pmsl

Only joshing

Take care



27-06-06, 12:22
Alexis, if you could knit us a jigsaw, now that would be cool!! :D

27-06-06, 18:50

I have just finished knitting myself a bolero top. It can't be that bad my daughter wants one knitting !!!!!

Read this the other day thought it was good........


Jenny xxxxxxxxxxx

27-06-06, 18:59
hey now - knitting = old and boring????????
well that makes me an ancient fart with no life then don't it?? lol
I'll tell you what - me and Jenny will do the knitting while Alexis, Piglet and Trac finish the puzzle and Ray - you can take pictures of us for posterity ;):D
Hope I didn't leave anyone out - lol


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

- Elenor Roosevelt

27-06-06, 19:06
I like knitting too - last year I knitted myself a scarf on needles you have never seen the size of before - seriously the size of rolling pins!!!

When I do it I do it big!!!!!!!!!!


Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

27-06-06, 19:19
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I like knitting too - last year I knitted myself a scarf on needles you have never seen the size of before - seriously the size of rolling pins!!!

Piglet xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 27 June 2006 : 20:06:13</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Was that cos your ordinary ones were gummed up with dough? :D:D:D


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers