View Full Version : Just what I didn't need!

21-06-06, 10:40
I posted the other day that my Anxiety is at quite a high at the moment, and all centres around having moved house & not being able to get back home to my mum & dad's in an instant. Well guess what? My car - my lifeline! - refused to start this morning!! :( I had to get a jump start off of my fiancee to get into work, and how I have to take the car and surrender it to a garage for half of the day to get it fixed, leaving me stranded at work and transportless! :( I know they say about things being sent to try us, but is this someone's way of saying "Cmon, pull yourself together!" or what?! [Ugh]

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

21-06-06, 10:51
oh dear....nightmare.
These things ARE sent to try us and you will be fine!
Deep breaths happy thoughts and soon you will be back up and running and mobile.....

Hay x

21-06-06, 11:57
Thanks Hay. I don't feel too bad at the moment, but I expect something will kick in a bit more when I get to dropping the keys off. At the moment it's so farcical it's almost too funny to be anxious - I keep having to run out and start the car every 30 minutes to keep it warm so that it will start when I need to take it to the garage! lol

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

21-06-06, 12:08
lol Leah...

I am glad you are feeling not so bad at the moment[^]
It must be difficult not having your 'life line' there but hopefully it wont take too long to mend...

Take care



21-06-06, 12:33
Hi Leah

Sorry to hear you had a bad morning. hope the rest of the day gets better for you.
My mums car broke down last night just what she didnt need either.

Take Care


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