View Full Version : In over my head

21-02-12, 08:43
So I think I have gotten myself in over my head.

My sister is 38 weeks pregnant (father is not in the picture) I have been there and doing the prenatal classes with her and I am also the coach during labour and delivery.

However, I suffer from severe health anxiety and hypochondria.

She just texted me and told me she thinks her mucous plug has come out (sorry) I remember from our classes it can still be a bit before labour starts, however it all became very real to me just now.

I am panicking and I feel like I can't breathe. I don't know how I will do in the delivery room. What if something goes wrong? I already think I am dieing everyday. I have a hard time even going out of the house. UHGGGG

I feel like my throat is closing up and my heart is beating so fast. I dont think I can do this.


macc noodle
21-02-12, 08:58

Imagine how your sister feels !!! Listen honey she has faith in you and has chosen you to be with her - shows great confidence that you can overcome this.

I am sure you will be absolutely fine once you get in there - just stay focussed on your sister's face and encouraging her to do what she has learned at her classes.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Macc Noodle

21-02-12, 09:08
Thanks so much...I'm trying....=) I will keep in touch here

21-02-12, 09:12
Hey there, it sounds very hard but you can do it. It's for your sister and think about the little cute thing you will get to see in the end :) It's worth everything.

Think it as a big challenge, and do it to test yourself. Take deep breaths with your sister and only focus on the thought of supporting her. This will give you courage.
If you clear this up, then it means you have the power to step over your HA.
Good luck

sherylee xx
21-02-12, 09:30
hey hun i was there when my sister gave birth and theres nothin to panick about it was truely amazin and extremely emotional watchin my niece bein born it was an amazin experience trust me hun you will forget about your anxiety and youl love the experience :) and when you get your first cuddle with your new niece or nephew youl be so happy :) xx

07-03-12, 00:30

I actually kept myself together for my sister, wow. 29 hours of labour, he ended up being
delivered by c-section. PHEW*

I can't believe I didn't have one ounce of panic or anxiety the whole time.

Must sleep now.....

sherylee xx
07-03-12, 09:27
aw see i told you hun you dont have time to panick or get anxious when someones in labour lol its an amazin experience :) congrats to your sister xx