View Full Version : dizzy and nausea... but craving food!

21-02-12, 09:52
Morning all,

Woke this morn quite panicky, tried to shake it off while i was getting my 3 kids ready for school. Have just got in the door from walking my daughter to school (20mins there and back) and i have the shakes, dizzy, tired, feel sick but really craving food, even tho im not really hungry (had a bowl of cereal at 7am). I usually lose my appitite when im anxious but this morning... i feel really strange.. just wanna eat and eat!!!

I really dont know whats going on with me :shrug:, how can i persuade my self im not seriously ill when things like this keep happening (felt sick a few times this week) x

21-02-12, 11:45
hi there, are you taking any medication?

Try not to worry about the nausea and diziness, I know what its like getting up and getting kids to school when you are feeling crappy! its hard. If you feel like eating try to have some toast or something as if you dont eat it can just make things worse.
I am having a relapse of depression and anxiety at the moment so looking for some understanding people to talk to.

21-02-12, 12:21
im here to talk if you ever need xxxx

21-02-12, 14:46
thank you. I have a gynae appointment tomorrow to try to sort out what to do about a fibroid that has got big. Even though I'm told they are nearly always benign, being a health anxiety sufferer I am worried. I saw a specialist privately before xmas and he told me the options, one of which was to leave it and be scanned every year. Then he told me about the other removal options. As its got big and quite uncomfortable I think something needs to be done but have this underlying worry that something is wrong.

I have two kids, 10 and 6. My hysband is not very supportive, he doesnt understand at all he thinks I am just selfish. This makes it extra hard. I had been doing so well cant believe the worry is back.
I have read some of your posts, it sounds like you also suffer with health anxiety. Do you have any good support? x

paula lynne
21-02-12, 14:57
Hi Pearl 79 x
Listen to your body, if you are hungry, eat!
Actually, research suggests that for those with anxiety and panic, eating every 2 hours is the best. If we dont eat (complex carbs are best, esp in the morning)...blood sugars start to go haywire, adrenaline is released.......causing.......yep.......more anxiety. Start your day with porridge/toast/eggs/cereal (wholewheat)...and eat about 2 hours after that, even if its a biccy. Doing this throughout the day, small snacks, really help keep adrenaline down. x

For second poster......(austinali)
Im saddend to read your husband isnt supportive. This only adds to feelings of worthlessness and despair. Maybe leaving a book around/leaflet can explain what your going through? You are NOT selfish at all. Its terrifying feeling anxious all the time, and exhausting! Especially with children to care for too. If you take any meds, they may need reviewing by your doctor considering how you are feeling. Also, the anticipation of seeing the consultant will have caused extra panic and anxiety.

I had a fibroid removed years ago, and was told I had a bulky uterus. Any consultant worth their salt will explain all the options/the proceedure/ and after care. They are nearly always benign, Im sending you positve thoughts. You will need help with the kiddies after the op, so call on your re-enforcements for cleaning and cooking duties!

Lots of luv, Paula x:hugs:

21-02-12, 16:40
Paula, thank you for such a lovely, sympathetic post, very calming. And pearl sorry to have hijacked your post, Hope your day has improved. X

21-02-12, 16:47
Hi Pearl

I know exactly how you feel. I get bouts of the shakes and light headedness and I seem to want sweet things. Even got checked for diabetes which of course it wasn't.

As an earlier poster said if your body feels hungry then eat. Just try to eat healthy and in moderation ( lecture over lol )

Kitkat works for me


21-02-12, 17:05
thanks marc, i got checked out for diabetes too.... will try a kit kat!!!! :yesyes:

22-02-12, 04:28
Sorry to hear that =(

Something similar happens to me, sometimes I wake up very anxious and I have severe nausea, leg weakness and sometimes shaky hands. Nevertheless, I'm hungry!

It's really weird and horrible. Something that helps me is to realize that when I relax (meditating) the nausea, shakiness, and some anxiety goes away, which wouldn't happen if I were sick!

That feeling makes me feel a little better, makes me realize that I'm okay. That I don't have an illness and is just anxiety what is provoking the symptoms. That means I can go on with my life no problem!

One thing I figured out a couple of days ago about this that may help someone:

Health anxiety is like a turning circle. If you have symptoms, you become more anxious, which ironically and sadly, creates more symptoms or aggravates the ones you already have.
But, if you realize in your mind (and have some medical tests to back it up, I think we all here do though) that you are okay, and that it's only the anxiety making you feel like crap, then you can relax a little bit. That alone will (on time) take away or make one of the symptoms start fading, which will make you relax and so on, and so on.

For austinali: If you need someone understanding to talk to. Come here. Everyone deserves to get better. YOU CAN get better. Please, do me a favor a get better.

Best of luck to everyone