View Full Version : churning

21-06-06, 12:34
hi all just wondering wether any of you guys get bad churning sensations in your stomach that make you feel nauseous?been like this since monday and feel really c**p with it!thought i had a bug first but now i,m thinking perhaps it,s anxiety!do you know of anything herbal or otherwise i could take as i don,t really like taking over the counter meds!many thanks rachel x x

21-06-06, 13:10
can't advise you what to do with regards meds or herbal stuff as am uncomfortable taking almost anything!!!i have felt nauseous all week and have sort of convinced myself that i could be pregnant even though used precautions!!!! but it will go and i'll forget about the pregnant thoughts. these things are nothing to take any notice of, they could be a bug or something you ate or your anxiety - which is probably the likeliest cause, what i do is leave something a decent length of time before bothering the doc's so they can't accuse me of purely being anxious. one examlple last year was i was feeling sore under both armpits, i could'nt feel any lumps but was worried as mum has died of lymphatic cancer( did'nt feel bad about worrying as some times it's sensible to worry, it could save your life!!) anyway after about 3 months it was coming and going so i mentioned it to the doc who got me on the table and checked them out and said i was fine as could'nt feel any lumps, and then it went, and i had been doing alot of swimming at the time so that was probably the cause.

also a more recent example and current health problem, i had a very sore nostril for 4 weeks before i would go to doc's and it was constantly full of bogey's, anyway the doctor was thrilled because it was something proper!!! but then the cream she prescribed is haveing a problem at the manufacturers and i can't get it(hospitals keep it for mrsa), so she prescribed normal antibiotic cream but it is'nt licensed for use up nose, so because i was worried i refused even though she said it could take a few months to go, and i worried tha tif the world got bird flu my defenses would be low and i'd get it first and die!!! anyway blah blah the infection has gone into my other nostril now but i'm fine and my body will sort it out or i'll feel that ill, won't be able to work so won't get any money for shopping sprees and will be forced to use antibiotic cream!! the point i'm trying to make in my very long winded way is that you will be fine, and anxiety can make you feel genuinely ill, but not in the way that a doc would recognise, if it continues go to your doctor, all the best emmas

21-06-06, 13:49
I am reading claire weeks at the moment
and it has a big chunk about stomach churning. and how it is adrenaline released into the stomach that makes it churn, and then it is our fear of the feeling that makes it worse.

Do you have this book, if not i suggest you get it or borrow, its very good!

Hay x

21-06-06, 14:35
Stomach churning is classic anxiety symptom. i take ginger for nausea and peppermint tea is good for digeative stuff. Hope you feel better soon

Take care

'This too will pass'

21-06-06, 15:55
cheers emmas hays and daisybun thanks for your replies i will definatley get some ginger and give it a bash.just got claire weekes book from libary so i,ll read it tonight!thanks again takecare rachelx x

21-06-06, 16:03
good luck with the ginger and book hope you get some results

Hay x

12-01-11, 20:11
I also have the book "Self Help for Your Nerves" by Claire Weekes. ISBN: 978-0-7225-3155-6

I can also recommend the book, "Coping with Anxiety and Depression"
by Shirley Trickett. ISBN: 0-85969-762-2

Both books refer to the 'churning' stomach.

For my experience;
I start to panic when I am starting to eat food, fearing the churn. So I 'clamp' my stomach muscles particularly at the top below the solar plexus. Almost immediately after starting to eat to one hour after, my stomach will start to churn, as if it was bad indigestion/fluttering wind.
I guess from this that the food starts to go through my digestive tract pretty quickly as if I am 'shit-scared'. I also have a very acidic feeling stomach so I guess that is also 'rammed' down my digestive tract too.
I tend to wake in the night feeling hungry so I have to have something to eat - but even then I still start to 'panic' when I eat. Little wonder I get bad indigestion.
And no wonder my poor bowels don't know if they are coming or going!!
I find I get some relief if I go out walking for an hour or so about 15 minutes after eating.
But I get nervous/panic about going to bed and sleeping so the churning starts just when I am thinking of going to bed. No wonder I am the World's best insomnia sufferer!