View Full Version : just back from breast clinic

21-02-12, 12:32
hi ive been to the breast clinic today because of a lump in my breast i had mammogram normal then went for ultrasound that was normal the man who did the ultrasound said he could see nothing of concern and the lump was normal breast tissue and ive got more of them so when i went back to see the consultant she said everything looked normal but because she can feel the lump she would like to do the biopsy or because i have got health anxiety i could just go back in 3 months to assess the lump again anyway i had it done there and then and she took cells with the needle from the area and said i will get a letter through the post to let me know what the results what is that all about normal mammgram normal ultrasound but still got this wait and worry she did say the chances are everythings normal have you ever heard of this before x

21-02-12, 12:41

She was no doubt thinking of you in the long term and peace of mind for you. These people deal with this all the time, so I would take what she has told you as a positive.

Yes it's going to be a worry until you get the result, but take comfort in knowing that both the tests you have had, shows nothing untowards:)

Trish x

21-02-12, 13:55
I had a lump in my breast, too, and the doctor could tell just by touching it that it was nothing. But she must have seen my worried face, because she looked at me and said: well but since you came all the way here, I send you for a mammogram -
so they did a mammogram and an ultrasound right away - and then they wanted more pictures!!!! I was almost dead right there from the shock!!!

But everything was normal...they are just scrupolous and that is good!

21-02-12, 14:27
is it normal for normal breast tissue to form lumps like this that grow and shrink through my menstual cycle x

21-02-12, 14:28
Yes! That happens to a lot of people. That's why I have heard to never check your breasts during your period

21-02-12, 14:31
Yes that the reason they say check your breasts a week after your period as this is when your breast tissue is at its least active, also hormonal lumps come up and go down and move around as people with these type of breasts often have alot of hormonal lumps.

You will worry until you have got the pathology results anyone would but the chances of it being cancer must be so so tiny if you had a clear mammo and ultrasound. I think she was doing it for your peace of mind.

21-02-12, 15:07
this lump shrinks alot between periods and she has felt it at its biggest because im on a period at the moment i didnt think they would bother doing test on a lump thats changes with cycles or is this just guidlines the man who did the ultrasound found nothing but normal breast tissue and he also went to his consultant and had a word with him to make sure and the consultant agreed it was all normal ive just asked the gp to call me back which she has and she said they have done the biopsy just becaue they have to be so careful and not to worry as she says it all sounds good x

21-02-12, 15:10
They are just covering themselves and for your benefit as well. I remember the breast surgeon saying to me that the only thing an ultrasound does not pick up is ductal cell carcinoma, that is a pre cancer that is picked up by mammo so that is why they do the two tests so they cover all possibilities.

Let us know the results but I feel very sure they will be totaly fine

21-02-12, 18:59
thankyou countrygirl thats reasuring x

21-02-12, 19:50
i told the consultant that the lump shrinks and swells with my monthly cycle and that today when she felt it it was at its biggest because im on a period but she still either come back in 3 months and if its still there they will assess it again or i could have a biopsy there and then if she was prepared to leave me 3 months then why does she want to a biopsy at all or is she just covering her own back x

21-02-12, 20:05
I think she said that so that you have the option of not worrying for three months.

21-02-12, 20:23
but if she thought it warranted a biopsy in the first place but gave me the option to leave it 3 month wouldnt that be dangerous unless she was quite confident it was nothing to worry about x

21-02-12, 20:45
Hi Bronte

You are doing what i do , running it over and over again in your mind .

The results are all clear , its just to put your mind at rest but they don,t realise its hard for us and its now causeing you worry .

Your fine :hugs:

Rachel W
21-02-12, 21:59
I also had a lump found and as I was only 27 they had me go and get and ultrasound (and to my horror see a really cute oncologist who looked like George Clooney who I had to bare everything to...LOL). The ultrasound showed, just like you, that it was just normal breast tissue. I have such a hard time doing a breast exam because I am very lumpy, so probably don't do it as often as I should as they can also feel a bit tender.

If the tests that you already had came back normal I am sure everything is fine. As mentioned they are just assuring you 100%.

21-02-12, 23:51
thankyou all for your replies i just find my anxieties hard to handle sometimes. But your right mel2 i do keep running things over in my mind and reading things in to everything she said i torture myself x

22-02-12, 00:21
hello bronte my daughter had a lump in her breast years ago,,they only did a scan because of her age she couldnt have a mammo,,but she also had the fna ,,fine needle biopsy ,,nothing to worry about,,she heard later and was fine,,they as others have said have to cover all the bases

22-02-12, 10:20
im still a bit anxious today i think its because the lump is so close to the surface i can feel it so easy so i do keep feeling it and it swelled right up last night because of the them messing with it but i think its going down a bit now and i was thinking because it is so close to the surface they would have been able to see it easy on the scan if it was anything to worry about wouldnt they x

22-02-12, 14:50
just keep saying to myself cancerous lumps dont swell and shrink with your menstrual cycle x

22-02-12, 19:59
do you think that if they found something in the biopsy they would contact me within a few days or would it be like they said 2 weeks wait for the results x

22-02-12, 20:14
I think they would contact you ASAP. I also have lumpy boobs and only realised I have a bad lumpy area on my right boob last year and was in complete terror over it. Like yours it is worse during my menstrual cycle. Just lately my left boob has joined in on becoming sore they get bad 2 weeks before my period. It sounds like you have a good doctor who is just being sure and looking after you I am sure it will all be fine considering your clear scans xx

22-02-12, 21:24
thankyou kirstynik x