View Full Version : Doctor made it worse...

21-02-12, 13:21
I started having panic attacks in November, it took me a few months to actually understand this was the problem, its taken me since the start of Jan to get an appointment with the GP and all he offered was relaxing techniques...

Now i understand why he cant just dish out tablets but tbh this has made me feel worse and its like im meant to live with it without any help. I generally can ignore and live with anxiety but when i have an attack i want something to help me out. Ive been to the middle east and experienced bombs / rockets and no word of a lie a panic attack is just as bad as the fear i experienced there.

Very annoyed:(

21-02-12, 13:22
were you in the armed forces?

21-02-12, 13:37
No im a civilian electrician but i worked on the bases in Iraq which were attacked all the time.

21-02-12, 14:42
Hi i would go see another gp, you should'nt have to suffer like that.

panic attacks should be taken seriously, but some gp's are just not sympathetic, make aniother appointment with a differnt gp. good luck xx

21-02-12, 15:08
yes i would go and see another doc....you may be suffering from ptsd
im not an expert......but are you jumpy,sensitive to noise? crying bouts,constantly fearing the worst? angry?
relaxation techniques sometimes are just not enough.....i tried....i really did....then beta blockers....which did nothing......now im taking AD,s .....its not been easy though and there have been some nasty side effects,but they seem to have done the trick in stopping the panic attacks
take care xxx

21-02-12, 15:57
Hi mctavish - I can understand that it must be very frustrating and annoying having gone to the time and trouble to explain how you are feeling, only to have it trivialized like that. But don't give up... make another appointment with a different GP. You could start by explaining that you thought the other GP didn't fully grasp or understand the seriousness of your condition. I'm sure the next one will be more sympathetic.

Let us know how you get on - and keep posting :)

Take care now.

Belle x

23-02-12, 21:38
Thanks for the replys.... took me months to see the first GP, think ill have to try self medication although where i get it from i have no idea. thanks anyway