View Full Version : Time to get proactive again .. hello everyone.

21-02-12, 13:54
Quick hello to everyone on these forums and brief summary of why i'm here.

Just over 4 years ago i had a panic attack and have never fully recovered since. I had a few small attacks previously but thought nothing of them as i recovered quite quickly but this time it stuck and i haven't had 1 minute in 4 years where i've felt completely well. Flight of fight response firmly stuck in the "on" position.
Since then i've had an MRI, tried citalopram, been on anxiety courses inc CBT and spoken to about 15 different health professionals, most of their advice has contradicted each other (exercise/don't exercise), (face fears/relax).
I've been diagnosed with CHVS (Chronic hyperventilation disorder), M.E, Panic disorder. I'm dizzy/blurry everyday to different extents with bouts of IBS, neck pain, muscle pain in legs, depersonalisation, twitches.
My coping has improved from being terrified of leaving the house to short holidays and rarely get 10/10 panic attacks anymore but still can't shake this thing, as soon as i'm anticipating something panic builds no matter what i try.
I felt i'd given up towards the end of 2011 but i've just found some motivation to try again, hence joining the forum.
At the moment i'm looking into supplements for more energy, anxiety, seratonin (5HTP/Inositol) and increasing my exercise/fitness levels (resting hasn't worked).
Thanks for reading.

21-02-12, 13:56
Hi lunoar

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-02-12, 14:36
Hello Mark:welcome:

paula lynne
21-02-12, 14:46
Welcome along Mark, glad you found us. :welcome:
Ive had panic/anxiety for over 11 years, which quickly developed into agoraphobia. I lost my job as a neuro nurse, and it nearly cost me my marriage due to my spiral into alcoholism and painkiller dependency. Fast forward to 2 years ago, when I joined this forum.
I decided that I was going to do it without prescription meds, and only take multivit (B complex)....I lost 2 stone by healthy eating.....my anxiety improved, my general well being, my moods. The day I started to lose the "fear" of panic, was the day my recovery began. As soon as your anxiety realises it cant control you, it looses its power. YOU take back control. Ok, its still there, I get days when my vertigo is so bad, my palps give me no rest, but I accept it, and get on with my day as best I can. My attitude to life has changed. Im not sitting in a chair everyday in a pit of despair. I go on holidays, for walks, the supermarket...........part-time work is next. I wont give up. I will never give up.

Im probably repeating lots of stuff youve heared over the years, but I want you to know you arent alone, and I wish you all you wish for yourself. All the best. Paula x

21-02-12, 17:55
Hi Mark and :welcome:

You have a lot in common with people on here and I hope you find it as beneficial as I have. I'm glad you've found the strength not to give up and this is a great place to start to put things back together.

Look after yourself


21-02-12, 19:32
Hi Mark
Just read your introduction. Perhaps I am fortunate in that I have long spells of respite, but right now your description of yourself could be me! Everyone here is great; lots of support.

22-02-12, 20:01
Thankyou all very much for your replies, nice to know there some people here who understand as nobody in my current life does.

22-02-12, 20:25
Hello and welcome, I'm also new and I've found this website so comforting!
I've learnt not to give up and that I'm not alone, there are ways of dealing with this..
Good luck and I hope all is well