View Full Version : Lump on knee cap?

21-02-12, 16:18
Just wondered if any1 else has this i have a small lump that rolls around my knee cap and also one a bit bigger that is soft and squidgey, they were syptomless when i first noticed and seem to ache now but i am forever prodding and poking them..seen 4 docters which dont seem concerned but i cant help but worry none of them have said really what thy think they are....one mentioned lipomas but i wasnt convinved :(((( its driving me crazy xx

21-02-12, 16:28

Try not to worry.
It's probably nothing but the fact you keep prodding it will I'm sure make it ache.
We all do it. We find something we worry about then keep touching or prodding until it does actually get sore then we worry so prod more.
It's the vicious circle of health anxiety


21-02-12, 16:45
I have a little hard round movable lump on my leg that can slide around quite an area, I can hide it at the sideof leg behind the muscle so you can't feel it but if I pull it onto the top of my bone its actually visible. I have had it at least a year and the Dr said it is just a cyst and as its mobile its not sinister, he said sinister lumps don't move around!

22-02-12, 09:18
Hiya thanks for getting back to me i know the docters know what they are talking about but it just scares me incase they miss something,,,, really struggling with this HA and it seems to have popped up from nowhere i have always been fine u untill this past month :-( xx