View Full Version : ooking for some advice and experiences, please read :)

21-02-12, 21:44
Hi everyone,
I've suffered from mild panic attacks since I was about 16, the first I can remember was being in an airport que, I'm only 20 now but over the past few weeks I've really been stuuggling, it came from nowhere one day when I was walking through my town centre.. My heart was going crazy, sweating, shaking, I felt like my throat was closing up, my legs where weak and I felt so unsafe and terrified.
Ever since this I've been suffering from very bad anxiety and panic, I can't go into a supermarket or places with lots of people because I just get this overwelming feeling of fear and panic, my main worry is fainting.
I've been to the doctors because I was at my wits end, my doctor has given me some breathing tecniques and put me on 10mg of citalopram, I haven't noticed much of a differance and I'm stuggling to work, assessing every situation and I'm getting to the point I'm worried about going out.
I don't want this to get any worse, I'm wondering if anyone else has ever felt this way and if they could offer some advice?
I'm really fighting with myself at the moment.
Thanks for reading my ramble :yesyes:

21-02-12, 21:45
Hi melissa20

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-02-12, 22:15
Thanks :D

21-02-12, 22:21
Hi Melissa
Citalopram take 4 to 6 weeks to kick in properly plus 10mg is very low dose but good to start with, if you don't see any improvements in next few weeks i would go back to GP he might increase it to 20mg which should be the therapeutic al dose . Hope you feel better soon

21-02-12, 22:29
Thankyou, i was thinking this too. ive only been on this for a week so far. i guess im just inpatient. i feel so stupid and i have no reason to be like this, i have a brilliant job, family and partner. i dont get it. my doctor is very understanding as he witnessed me having one in the surgery :doh:
im going back in a week to discuss my progress. however im getting tired of it, my job includes my worst fears, going out in public, big places (supermarkets etc)
ive tried these breathing techniques over and over again but it just doesnt seem to work at the moment. :shrug:

21-02-12, 23:01
hi melissa, exactly same thing happened to me was at uni one day then all of a sudden had a panic attack. since then been struggling with really bad anxiety all due to the fear of fainting in uncomfortable situations due to the symptons of attacks such as getting hot n feeling faint. 2011 was a complete write off for me due to it but now alot better. im also on citalopram but for me i wouldnt say it really helped much. the main thing that helped me was going out more, at first it was little things like just goin to the corner shop then building up to going shopping resteraunts etc, all of which never used to be a problem. eventually u just become more relaxed and dont even think about doing them, the main problem for me was the thinking before going out my wrrying before would cause the anxiety and id talk myself out of going out. ive just finished cbt sessions aswell which i guessed helped. but the best thing i learnt was the breathing techniques to do when having an anxiety attack. breath in for 5 secs hold for 5 secs then release for 5 always works for me. also try exercise if you can been going gym almost everyday for the last day 3months and that helps me relax also gonna try yoga soon. wanna talk holla ash x

21-02-12, 23:11
yeah i'm not too keen on taking medication as it is, i was very hesitant until the very last minute, i ended up ringing my doctor and running out the supermarket like a right idiot.
i used to love shopping, going for meals and to the cinema, now its difficult to even go to work. its ridiculous, i work in a care environment, looking after vulnerable people and im terrified of having one while im with them (i take them shopping etc).
i think your right about just going out and doing it, i forced myself to go shopping even though my manager offered to do it for me. ive just always been such a grounded, clear headed person. i really really want to take my partner on holiday this year, i get SO anxious even thinking about it, airports is the worse. bad experiences, last time i went i refused to get off the plane and had to be wheeled off in a wheel chair :lac:
i feel like no one understands me at the moment and thinks im just being stupid and over the top, but its a genuine terrifying situation for me. i never people where like this, i thought i was alone so thankyou so much for your advice.

22-02-12, 00:44
yer i know how u feel at least uve gone to the doctors and taken the first steps towards getting better it took me like 4/5 months to see mine. by this point id gone from being at uni going out all the time socialising with a bit of anxiety to quiting moving back home and hardly leaving the house it takes over so quickly if not sorted.

im the same with holiday wanna go away but fearful ill get to anxious n bottle getting on the plane or having an attack away with friends n feelin stupid bout not doing stuff. im fine doing stuff spur of the moment but when its things that r coming up thats when i find it harder, cos ive got time to think about it and the bad things that can happen i.e anxiety attacks. im not workin at the moment but got opportunities coming up such as gym instructor course n worried bout it but i kinda just have to talk myself into it cos i dont wanna miss the opportunity also its been like a year i suffered with it now so its like a chance to get back to normality just gonna have to suck it up. also its harder because im gonna have to travel on the train to do it n since its started ive become abit claustrophobic which sounds like ur struggling with aswell.

u should talk to your friends about it though cos they will prob help. for me when i wasnt going out i didnt tell me friends y, i even tried ignoring all their calls n txts cos i didnt want the pressure of sayin im not coming out all the time. i also didnt tell them cos all we ever do is just take the piss outta each other so thought theyd jus laugh. but it was the opposite they were all like u should of told us etc n were like just do wot ur doin cos its workin n take ur time n wen ur ready to come out n party again brilliant.

how have u been with friends etc have u been meeting up with them or have u been ignoring going to certain events/nights out?

22-02-12, 11:28
Hi dear All my friends and Administrator,

I am new here in this forum and expecting full co-operation.


Yes ma'am! I like your style do I have to stand to attention or may I sit down now :-)

one of us

william wallace
22-02-12, 12:57

22-02-12, 12:58
I've told one of my close friends as like you said I'd been avoiding going out and seeing them, everything seems to be going down hill. I've got tonsilitus now and I'm on anti-biotics also, I can't eat properly or sleep well so I'm very run down. Its one thing after another.
I'm going to try and go into a supermarket later and maybe buy something, it sounds stupid but I feel I need to do it.
My mums very supportive as she is a nurse, but I still feel like this just isn't going to end. On top of my anxiety and panic I now feel very weak and I can't swallow properly with this infection.
I wish I could find a way of getting over things :(

22-02-12, 15:12

Hello and :welcome:

You're doing a great job fighting this and you just need to keep going. If you think the meds aren't working, speak to your GP again. There are lots of options and it's just a matter of finding what's right for you.

What's really important, in my opinion, is that you keep yourself active - keep going to work, even of it's hard as it's very easy to get stuck in a vicious circle, especially if you don't have set things to keep you focussed.

Take care

Pip x

22-02-12, 20:22
Thanks! :)
I'm trying my best and to stay positive, its just so tiring waiting for it to stop or at least for me to forget about it for 2seconds.
I'm getting abit run down at the moment due to not eating properly or sleeping because I just felt sick all the time, I'm getting slowly better with this but now I've gone and got ill properly! (Tonsilitis) lol great!
But I'm kinda proud.. I managed to go to the super market, stay in there for longer than 10mins and I actually bought something (sounds stupid but a big thing for me)
I've been given so much advice I really appreciate it it!

23-02-12, 21:36
Having abit of a down day today.. i keep telling myself that the only reason im feeling better is because of the citalopram.. i dont know :(
i just feel that the only reason im getting better is not because of myself but because of meds, and without them it will come straight back and ill be a mess again?

25-02-12, 22:43
Hi Melissa,
Surely the important thing is that you feel like you're getting better? And YOU made the decision to get help, and the meds are part of that. And you don't need to come off them until you are ready. You will know when that is.

You made a big step in going to the Supermarket and buying something. Don't allow the negative voice in your head to devalue that.

I find that writing down the positive things in a book helps me to redress the balance and stops me getting too negative.