View Full Version : GAD

21-02-12, 23:14
what came first the chicken or the egg?
So Does excessive worrying/thinking cause GAD, or does GAD cause the excessive worrying/thinking?
What came first?

21-02-12, 23:58
I think the thoughts come first then they manifest into anxiety. Just my opinion though!
What do you think? Interesting topic.

22-02-12, 07:44
I think an event happens first that causes panic. then any other thoughts that cause fear follow and panic comes with it. its a circle

22-02-12, 15:53
Instead of accepting we have anx and just trying to treat all the horrible symptons, shouldnt we aim to cure the cause of our anxiety in the first place!! So we can rid ourselves of it...

22-02-12, 16:07
Instead of accepting we have anx and just trying to treat all the horrible symptons, shouldnt we aim to cure the cause of our anxiety in the first place!! So we can rid ourselves of it...

In an ideal world that would certainly be the case...prevention is always better than cure. Personally I don't know anyone who doesn't suffer with some sort of anxiety, however they hide it...there's just so much to be stressed out about in this world. I guess anxious people like most of us here are much more sensitive and are always anticipating some sort of horrible event that's going to happen...I guess we've become conditioned by all the years of worrying, it's hard to free ourselves from feeling any other way...
The cause of my anxiety is both inside and outside of myself...if the world will meet me halfway I may be able to do something about it!

22-02-12, 16:17
And like today, when i am in a state of anxiety, i cant think of anything in a rational way, if i try gives me more anxiety...so have to wait to calm down before i can try and see anything rationally...... arghhhhhhh

22-02-12, 16:27
And like today, when i am in a state of anxiety, i cant think of anything in a rational way, if i try gives me more anxiety...so have to wait to calm down before i can try and see anything rationally...... arghhhhhhh

It's at times like that you just have to disconnect from your mind but of course, that is so much easier said than done.

23-02-12, 14:49
I know in my case overthinking causes me anx... so i know i need to stop overthinking... but thats not enough, i need to look at why im always overthinking? surely thats the ony way im going to actually put a stop to it...
cure the source of it, not just the symptons....
otherwise i will just carry on overthinking , getting anx, then stop thinking to calm myself... then cycle starts again...
i need to look at why i am an overthinker and what i can do to stop that,(to a degree anyway) or i be going round in circles my whole life!
But i guess some will just say its because you suffer anxiety as a whole that you overthink and nothing more.....
or perhaps its nothing more than i became an overthinker all due to the first panic attack i had 12yrs ago?
and anxiety makes us more aware of our thoughts anyway....
and now im thinking why didnt i come to any of these conclusions before? aghhhhh

---------- Post added at 14:49 ---------- Previous post was at 14:01 ----------

And can you be anxious that your anxious?
i thought id feel better now ive clarified things, but still felt anxious, then lead me to feel anxious because i still felt anxious!!
and also the fear of being anxious makes you anxious....