View Full Version : Panik attacks and fear of dieing! :(

21-02-12, 23:29
hey.. im 20 and suffering from panik attacks! i have had them for 3 years now since i had my daughter! over the years they have become really bad.. i am scared of diein! all that is on my mind day in day out is the constant fear of death! i think that my heart is just gunna stop!!!! its getting me really down as i have stopped doing many things! i just cry al the time and think i am nevva gunna get better! i am also scared if i get any little pain,. about 21 years ago i started ringing ambulances almost every day because thats how scared i was.. i think that even though they have done ECG;s on me that they have missed something and havnt found what is up with me! i have recently started ringing the ambulances again, as my panik attaks have come bak bad! it has ruined my life1 i had my son a year ago and after that i was fine. i have been on anti-deppresents for 3 years and they wer helping alot but a cuple of month ago i stopped taking them because i thaught i was getting better. i am going back on them soon when i see my doctor! i have been refered to counceling but i didnt attend due to my baby being ill so i have just booked myself back in, some people say its really good otheres say theres no point? i can only try it and see how it goes :). i think i have a phobia of death. every little pain i look up on the net wich i know i shouldnt but i cant help it, also i have a habbit of checking my pulse i do it 24/7 and if one beat is different i think my hearts gunna stop. i have a really bad fear of 2012 aswell as people say that 'the world is gunna end' :( anybody els feel this way? thanks for listening!

21-02-12, 23:31
Hi danielle1991

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-02-12, 23:48
I have the same obession of feeling my heart beat when I start to panic, the best advice I've been given is breathing tecniques, I don't know if you've already tried some and it might be useless but breathing in deeply and breathing out twice as slow helps me. And it sounds stupid but my doctor tells me to slowly wind my hands backwards infront of myself like winding a clock, it calms me down, both hands moving backwards in a circle. Sounds crazy but it helped me for some reason. I'm new to all this anyway, I've only been on citalopram for a week and its only got this bad since about 3weeks ago.
Here for a chat if you feel the need. Your not alone.

21-02-12, 23:48
Hello Dannielle1991, i was reading your thread and thought i'd post a reply :) I know it's not even nearly as bad as your situation, but i am afraid of death aswell. Not to the extent where i think i'm going to die, but i am still very very afraid. I am almost 14 years old, and often sit in my room crying my eyes out just at the thought of death, i always seem to be thinking about it, and i'm not sure why :( if you need to ask ask me anything, please feel free to! x

22-02-12, 00:01
hey.. melissa20, yeah i was on citalopram keep taking them and eventualy they will work. people say tablets are not the way faward but if u new me and how i was like before i had the tabs u would think woooow they work lol.. yeah i have tryd breathing techniques but it dont seem too work! :( and bonnie2012, aww i feel for you so bad coz theese are really hard to deal with and your so young aswell.. have u told your mum or anyone if you havnt you need too because if you are dealing with them on your own they will get to you real bad! hope things go ok and thanku for replying :) also mallisa ow old are you and do u have kiddies? do you know what sterted them off?? x

22-02-12, 00:05
Thanks Danielle1991 thanks :hugs:i've told my mum and she's doing her best to help me, but it's just so hard to keep things out of my mind :( but how have you been recently? x

22-02-12, 00:14
awh :( i dont know what you can do because if i new i would be better lol and wouldnt be on here but loads of people say that exercise or reading and keeping yourself busy works! every time u get a nasty thaught just pick up a book or put your erephones in and listen to music. do u panik or are you just realy scared? and what is it that your scared off?? i have been ok but recently like just a cuple of hours ago i was paniking because my pulse wasnt goin right so i went on the net to check what it could be and loads of bad stuff came up wich got me panicking even more.. lol other than that im good thanks x

22-02-12, 00:24
Thanks :) i actually do read and write and draw alot and it helps me alot, thanks for your concern :D I don't panic i am just really really scared of death. I've thought about it in depth many times, and it freaks me out. alot. But glad that you've been good :D but it's a shame you've still been panicking :C

22-02-12, 13:02
This website has made me feel so much better, it sounds stupid but I thought I was a freak and weird for thinking these things!
Its one thing after another at the moment, I'm on so much meds, citalopram, microginon, vitamins, penicillin.. Ill be rattling soon.
Now I've become ill with toncilitis I can't swallow properly which adds to my fear of being ill.
I'm going to carry on with my citalopram, even though I'm not keen on medication, its my last hope.
I just wish I could sleep properly!
How are you coping today? :)

22-02-12, 15:07
Hi Danielle and :welcome:

I hope you find this site helpful and that you realise you're not on your own.

Take care

Pip x

22-02-12, 17:49
You are most certainly not alone. I myself suffer health anxiety... 12 years now. It is hard and life changing in every way. I am on 3 different meds and still deal with it on a daily bases. I tell you what I ave learned and maybe it will work for you... 1. thing is dont search symptoms (thats my hardest one) 2. do not watch news or tv commercials (they bombard your brain with every horrible thing you can imagine) 3. Cut out people from your life that drain you or take more from you than you can give. 4. Meditate on positive thoughts: say I am healthy! I am happy! I am in charge. 5. stay as busy as possible 6. This is the one I am working on... TRUST YOUR DOCTOR THAT YOU ARE HEALTHY! Dont self diagnosis and dont second guess the doctor. (this is the hard one because you are having to turn over control to someone else) we are all about control.

23-02-12, 00:02
hey malissa20. today i am feeling better but seem too be out of breath alot! didnt get too sleep last night, well early ours this morning till half 5 because i was on the net looking up on famous peoples death! 'im a freak like that'. wich made me more worse! think i need too deleate google dont you think lol. i have been happy'ish today ma mate came round with her baby and it sorta made me 4get about the paniks and focus on something els which is GOOD :). its hard to do alot of stuff u used too do when u have 2 kiddies. :( i miss being out with my friend and having a laugh now i get frightened of going out. was gunna go bowling but ended up not going so wee made something to eat and chilled out! and yeahhh stick to the meds and give it a cuple more week and they should be workin hopfully. 'fingers crossed for you'. Hey evernigt.. u ok? 12 years is along time i dont know how u have done it! 3 years is making me really ill.. like i have lost sooooooooooooo much weight i now way just under 8 when i was over 9 before! i know what you mean about the news and stuff! i have also stopped watching them it scares me alot! thanku 4 replying :') it makes me feel good when i know i am not alone! <3