View Full Version : Internal shaking/vibrating after nap?

22-02-12, 07:32
I'm trying really hard not to google, since I fear it will lead to hours of sheer terror. Does anyone else get this? Sometimes when I take a nap I will wake feeling shaky, all over, but sort of on the "inside"? It's hard to describe. It doesnt happen in the morning after a night's sleep (maybe it did once before, but I can't truly remember). Also, when it happens, I will generally just feel "off". It lasts anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour (but generally decreases during that time). Is this common? Is it something to be worried about?

22-02-12, 08:58
Hi i get this most mornings and now no matter how tired i am i wont nap during the day cause i hate the way it makes me feel when i wake x x

22-02-12, 10:01
My best friend had it for a long time actually. She was describing the exact same thing. She said during her sleep she woke up with a strange electrifying shaking type of feeling inside of her body many times.

She had all her tests, controls and such, but all were clear.
When I started having my first panics in the night time, I was also waking up in middle of sleep with chilly shaky feeling. But mine was a couple of times only and not exactly the same thing as you described.

You can have it checked maybe with this sleeping disorder controls (I don't know what they are called). Or talk to a doctor about it.

Getting back to me
22-02-12, 10:32
I have this sometimes but like you only during the day when I try to relax .It doesnt happen often but its like an inward shiver and I feel mine mainly up my back .I know what you mean but Im not cold either when it happens

22-02-12, 12:14
Hi, I get this too if i nap during day, I read in a book once that its because upon waking you feel disorientated because you have woke up at a different time to usual or in a different place to usual, so its like a mini shock. When you suffer from anxiety your nerves are ready to fire off so quickly that even this slight change/shock can have this effect.

22-02-12, 23:02
I get this frequently when I wake in the mornings, also if I wake during the night sometimes.

It's really horrible.

There are some other threads on here re: this so it would appear to be a fairly common symptom of anxiety.



23-02-12, 00:29
I had this for ages. still get it every now and then. check some of my old posts. its unnerving but seems to go hand in hand with periods of prolonged anxiety. i have looked it up and been to the doc about it. its related to the adrenaline in your body, nothing scary. pm me if yer worried x

Rachel W
23-02-12, 03:12
Me too...it is like a low humming (but silent) engine is vibrating throughout your body.

23-02-12, 05:35
I also get this when I nap during the day. It's sort of like feeling panicky, but not really--very hard to describe. Sort of jittery and maybe a little stomach upset? I won't nap during the day unless I'm feeling so sick that I have to stay in bed. I think maybe it's a mild panic attack caused by waking up at a strange time or place? I also have a lot of trouble sleeping in hotels or other places that aren't my bed. Anyway, I've had this as long as I can remember and I've never thought of it as anything to worry about.

23-02-12, 09:07
i can get this out the blue while wide awake too,,it feels to me kinda like im buzzing inside very shakey a jittery,,i think its adrenalin like someone said earlier

23-02-12, 11:47
I have suffered with this whenever I nod off in the day time, it may only be for minutes, usually if I sit down after lunch and have a rest, I try hard to fight closing my eyes and am now doing either knitting or sewing to keep me awake, I find reading makes me worse as I always fall asleep, I never get it in the mornings though, it makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one.

17-12-13, 00:28
Ive been getting the same thing ill wake up and swear my arms are shaking but they aren't. It makes my ha even worse!!!!

17-12-13, 05:27
I'm trying really hard not to google, since I fear it will lead to hours of sheer terror. Does anyone else get this? Sometimes when I take a nap I will wake feeling shaky, all over, but sort of on the "inside"? It's hard to describe. It doesnt happen in the morning after a night's sleep (maybe it did once before, but I can't truly remember). Also, when it happens, I will generally just feel "off". It lasts anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour (but generally decreases during that time). Is this common? Is it something to be worried about?

I get that sometimes, it means your still operating on a low level of anxiety. I think when your in a relaxed state(when you wake up your brain is in a an alpha state -which is relaxed brainwaves-before moving to a beta state)anxiety you might subconsciously suppress during waking hours has the opportunity to release itself. Go with it, let it out and work at relaxing yourself more each day and it will stop altogether.

17-12-13, 19:15
I used to get this constantly - it's stress. It goes away when you're less stressed :) Horrible feeling, though.

24-01-17, 20:45
Do not thing it is stress or normal anxiety, have had that in the middle of the night so bad would have to stand in a hot shower for an hour. What some are describing I get for a while then goes awaym then back again. I can wake, feeling fairly good but want to sleep for a few more, reset the alarm and soon as I lay back down it starts, do not see how that would be stress or anxiety. I get it the most when I wake from it and get it after naps so I though I would try some anxiety neds just to be sure. Take some before my nap, wake an hour or two later with full blown internal shakes.

24-01-17, 20:57
I am getting this when I lay down to go to sleep it keeps me awake. I was up at 7am yesterday morning and me and gf went to casino and didn't get home till 7am the next morning. I was dead tired driving back home this morning and thought I could fall asleep driving. Anyways the moral of this story I get home lay down and start feeling this. Idk where it is coming from maybe my legs or back or multiple areas. I do know it keeps me up. I laid down at 7am this morning dead tired and didn't fall asleep till almost 11:30.

I'm trying to think positive I really am but my legs have been getting weird feelings lately and the vibration/ shaking is starting to bug me.

I did just lose out family dog this past weekend and it was a very stressful weekend for me. Idk if that has anything to do with it or not.

Catherine S
24-01-17, 22:55
Or could it have been because you were in a casino for 24hrs?!! Do you work there?


24-01-17, 22:56
I've had this too. When my anxiety is at it's peak I feel it regularly when I wake up.

25-01-17, 01:00
Shaking when waking up is very, very common, especially when you wake up from a nap. I used to see a sleep specialist many years ago, and what they told me is that this happens when your sleep cycle is interrupted.

There are five sleep cycles, the last ending with REM. Cycles 1 through 4 ease us into and out of R.E.M. But what so often happens with naps is that we are so tired that we progress rapidly into R.E.M. And when when get suddenly woken up during R.E.M. or it's transition period, the body responds with the feeling of shaking. Like you said, we are shaking externally, it's this weird shaky feeling on the inside, but that's what that is.

25-01-17, 04:36
Or could it have been because you were in a casino for 24hrs?!! Do you work there?


I was noticing them the night before I went to the casino. And I wasn't at the casino for 24 hours lol. But was up for awhile and casino is 2 hour drive away from me.

Been noticing some stronger thigh twitches lately.