View Full Version : Something everyone with ha should know

macc noodle
22-02-12, 07:59
Well guys this morning, having suffered a complete meltdown over health worries over last 2 weeks and being due to get my blood test results back and also having the night from hell, I sat at my computer and started typing in my symptoms.

God Almighty it appears that there can only be one outcome of how I feel right now and that is a Doomsday scenario.

However, I appear to have had a lightbulb moment and just wanted to share it with you all.

Hell yes, I actually feel rather unwell and I do appear to have symptoms that would indicate that some investigation and treatment may be required and how do I feel about this???

Truth : terrified because I do hate the docs and hospitals but, well actually I feel really rather calm as opposed to my usual headless chicken act that I perform.

And I am wondering is this simply because I know in my heart of hearts (as opposed to the depths of my wonderfully imaginative mind) that I need to get it sorted once and for all and that I do trust my doctors?

All I can say is that I think that I can stand no more of this self induced stress as a part of my health anxiety and something has got to give - so now I have had extensive blood tests and will get the results Friday and I will sit with my GP and have a good discussion about my symptoms and see what her opinion is on whether or not I need to have any further investigations.

It is hard enough being a perimenopausal woman with all the changes that go with it and the confusion it causes me in terms of perspective (ie., what is a clinical symptom or not) and this blessed HA that I cling onto only muddies the waters in my mind regarding my health (or lack thereof).

So, I am packing my symptoms into a box marked "Not wanted any longer" taking them to the doctor and seeing what she has to say - I am resolved that I shall accept her prognosis and the test results and that I shall get on with my life.

Enough is enough :D

Getting back to me
22-02-12, 08:08
Wow .It seems as though you have gained the strength to do battle with anxiety itself and you really seem geared up to do battle and fight it with all you have .Well done and good luck with your results on friday .

macc noodle
22-02-12, 17:17
Thanks - I think that it is that I am finally finally working through all the CBT stuff I was taught and learning how to apply it (albeit being a slow process).

TBH just fed up with feeling like a crock of you know what and letting my life be ruled by HA.

Here's hoping my results are good !!!!:ohmy:

Otherwise I may end up posting a different tale :mad:

But I promise I shall try very hard not to !!!!:yesyes:

Macc N

Getting back to me
23-02-12, 06:53
LOL .I am glad you mentioned CBT because I am currently doing the stress and mood management one ,only on the second week at the moment of a 5 week course but really hoping its going to be of assistance to me .I am going to follow it up with Anxiety,panic and worry one in march so its great to hear someone say its helping .:)

macc noodle
23-02-12, 07:50

Good luck with the CBT - I know I still have wobbles but on the whole it has made a world of difference to me :D

And thank you for replying to my thread - I am quite saddened to see that with all this debate over HA on here that my "positive" thread about trying to conquer HA has gone un-commented upon by the many who continue to post these "Am I dying" or "do i need the doc" style of posts - which yes I used to do on a regular basis before CBT.


23-02-12, 09:40
Hi macc

I know exactly what you mean - CBT has made a huge difference to me as well.

Right at the start of it, the guy I saw said that there is no "cure" for anxiety, and in fact if we didn't have a response to real or perceived danger none of us would live very long. What I did learn though was that anxiety can be managed. Sure, I still get anxiety, but now I can rationalise it a lot of the time.

And it does take a while to "learn" CBT, and to be honest, I'm still learning how to apply it a year later.

Good luck for Friday! :flowers:

23-02-12, 10:45
Good luck for Friday I also have important blood test results then so I know how you feel. X

23-02-12, 10:52
thats a fantastic way of thinking i am determined to do the same ive come to a decision and so have you so hopefuly it will change our life for the better x

paula lynne
23-02-12, 10:53
Good luck tomorrow dear Macc x
Im thrilled to read a positive post regarding H.A.....its so empowering for you to take the pro-active route, and Im very proud of you. I really do agree with you when you say youve had the "lightbulb moment".....this could be the first day of the rest of your life....so happy for you! :hugs:Luv n hugs Paula x

23-02-12, 11:05
I also am where you at.. seen a new doctor and prepared for it for weeks telling myself that he is the expert not me... and I will not google symptoms anymore! The doctor went great (he was actually shocked at all the test I have done at age 38) he told me in no uncertain terms I am doing all that I can do to be healthy and he said he wouldnt say that if he didnt believe it. He said to keep cutting back on the smokes until I quit and he sees nothing in my past or present that even signals any problem (he did want to monitor my thyroid goiter a little closer but thats okay) I know I have a medically diagnosised thyroid condition. I still get m shaky moments but I am feeling good about my choice to trust in the DOC!!! Its actually very liberating to just put it in his hands and leave it to him. A weight lifts because you dont feel as if you must be on guard 24/7 looking for symptoms! I choose to believe in my doctor!!!!!! :)

23-02-12, 21:21
Hey Maccnoodle

You go for it Girl :D, it sounds like you are going to give Mr Anxiety a right kicking :yesyes:

One thing about the blood tests , lots of peeps might not be 100 % , mine wasn,t this week but my DR ,said of "no immediate concern" and just a few life style changes needed to correct things for long term health , so don,t pannick if its not perfect , life rarely is as we know .

Sending you this :hugs:


macc noodle
24-02-12, 17:16
:whistles: My bloods are good, all is well there :whistles:

Now I am having an ultrasound to look at my vital organs and an internal one to look at my ovaries :scared15:

Just to put my mind at rest and to kick my HA to the kerb once and for all :D

Thanks guys for the support :hugs:

24-02-12, 18:04
Well done hun, what a journey you have been on this last year.

A huge pat on the back to you honey, I can only imagine how much courage it has taken for you to deal with this.

Way to go Pot Noodle