View Full Version : HELP -It's starting up again :(

22-02-12, 08:53
Well Ive been having a really good 9days since starting Pregabalin (a drug used in epilepsy and neuro pain but also for anxiety). Ive been so good, and if ive worried about anything ive managed to not get worked up.

Until today... As some of you know i had a major life saving op on my spleen in September(1st) and since then my HA started. Ive been constantly worried ive got blood clots etc, and been in and out of hospital ever since. 2 weeks ago i took myself to a+e with chest pain and leg pain, they did a d-dimer test which was only 58 above the 300 range (apparently they told me a blood clot would have a much higher reading)and so they started treating me with blood thinners until i had the lung + leg scan which were clear+i was sent home.

Well, today ive got a soreness in my upper chest and slight stabby pains in my upper back and my throat, at the bottom of it feels tight and i keep thinking the old thoughts of "this is it, this is a blood clot". Im trying to put it to the back of my mind, but it's getting harder and harder as the hours go by. Now i cant stop thinking that because the blood test WAS 58 over, that i had a clot somewhere and now its in my lungs. All the drs have said that 58 over is quite insignificant for a clot indication but i have such a hard time believing them, but then i cant keep asking for more and more tests all the time, because when they refuse i get into such a state.

Please advice is really needed, i dont know if my thoughts are medically possible or if im going OTT as usual.
Charlotte xxxx

22-02-12, 09:29
Hiya Charlotte.

HA is a vicious circle your feel you are getting over it and "BAM" it hits you again and in your case it is mad worse because of your op you had.

All what you say the chest pains the tight throat all point to anxiety.
BUT and i put a big BUT you know your body more and better than anyone else and if you have true concerns get checked out, if anything to put your mind at rest.

Still as I said it all points to Anxiety (I am no doctor)

So please listern to what your body tells you BUT think about all the other times that you have had feels like this and they have come to nothing but anxiety.

Take care Chris