View Full Version : I'm so scared of living like this (LONG POST)

22-02-12, 11:25
Hi everyone. I am so scared, every night especially, I get the worse anxiety. I feel scared, and I feel like something bad is going to happen to me. My worst frears are.

Sudden death

Lung clots

Heart attacks

Brain tumors

Lung cancer



Being put on a ventalater.

Being hospitalized.


Fungal infections

Blood infections.


And many more.

I've had plenty of times I've rushed to the emergency room, or rushed to the doctors, because I've had symtoms, I was too scared about. I am just so sick of having symtoms. Now I am afraid because I feel like I'm not breathing right, I am having shortness of breath and I am scared as heck.

I heard shortness of breath can mean a lot of things, and I just don't know what to do anymore. I am so scared, I am so tired of being scared, and I just can't be a normal 24 year old girl. I am just always paralyzed by all these scary thoughts and I scare myself.

I don't know if these symptoms are ALL in my HEAD, or if I cant actually breathe right you know?

I am just so scared of dying, its not even funny. I've been in hospital settings when I was like 12, because my mom had a rare disease and she was in the hospital for 9 months, and yeah ever sense that happen, I have been scared sick of something crazy happening to me. I am just afraid that just because she had this disease where the white blood cells started attacking her muscles, I will get something crazy as well, like




I just can't do this anymore, I am so scared of living, by also so scared of dying at the same time. I'm 24 and I am constantly just always thinking about dying, and what disease I may have that I don't know about. I feel like I need to go to the doctor, JUST to ease my mind, but I have over $15,000 worth of doctor bills, and I just am TOO scared to go honestly. I don't care about the money part of it, I am just too scared to go, incase I really do have something serious, I can't imagine how devastated I would be, and I don't want to worry my mom, because she is already sick.

I've been tossing and turning all night, it's 5:18 am here and I have to be at school at 8:00 am. I just don't know what to do. I wish I could just marry a doctor, so I know for sure if there is something wrong with me everyday.

I've been stressed everyday for about 4 years, my hair is thinning on top, my hair has gotten so bad, I'm noticing how see-through my hair is, I am so scared there is something wrong with me.

Last night I had some mucus, and there was some blood in it. I am just so scared of dying, I can't take this anymore. I just don't know what to do, I just am so scared of doctors, and the free clinic scares me. I hate going to hospitals, because I hate waiting in the waiting area, and I'm afraid I'm going to catch a contagious disease just WAITING there.

I just don't know what to do, I really am afraid to go to the doctor because I might have something, I am sick of not being a normal 24 year old, I act as if I am 60, and I am so sick of it. I just miss the care-free days,and I haven't had those in a LONG TIME. I am starting to develop a wrinkle in between my eye brows from worrying all the time. I am just getting sick and tired of feeling this way.

I don't know when these "symptoms" are REAL and when they are all in my HEAD. I don't know WHEN a person should go to the doctor, and I also just don't want to ignore something, and have it big a bigger problem or something? And I also am too scared to confront the problem, so it's just a mixture of hell for me. I have nobody to support me, and I have nobody to turn to either. I feel like I'm going crazy, and I just don't know what to do!

I just hate going to the doctors, I hate when they get blood work, because I am afraid they are going to tell me I have a deadly disease, I am just so afraid. I just can't help this feeling. I've seen my mom go through all these doctors,and it was scary.

I have extreme O.C.D (Obsessive Compulsive Thoughts). I have thoughts like I can imagine my own funeral, I have thoughts like my family is dying, or I am dying, like I am in a hospital bed, or that the doctor is telling me I am sick. I just can't shake these thoughts out of my head, and I just can't get these thoughts to go away, I am afraid that these thoughts will happen and I scare myself so much I'm starting to believe that I really have something wrong with me. I can't distinguish the difference between a real health problem, and my anxiety.

I'm literally going nuts. HELP!

22-02-12, 12:57
Hi there hope your ok my main symptom is feelin like i cant breath properly its the worst and like you im petrified of dying its horrible i think its in our heads coz were thinkin of it have you noticed wwhen your distracted by something you dont worry about how your breathing, you have to try and distract yourself keep calm tho its hard i know and think positive tell yourself you can breath and breath through your stomach thats what i do distract yourself think positive and breath calmly its just anxiety nothing else it wont hurt you x