View Full Version : Worries about abnormal cervical cells

22-02-12, 12:13

I haven't posted on here for a good few years but my old anxieties have come back. I had abnormal smear a few weeks ago and to cut a long story short have got CIN3 and need to have a cone biopsy done.

The logical side of me says that they are only pre-cancerous cells and need removing but the illogical side of me keeps asking 'what if' questions, such as 'what if there are cancerous cells further up the cervix'? Its driving me mad - constantly on my mind and feeding my anxiety.

Has anyone else had a cone done - I just need some reassurance that it is quite common. The worst part is the waiting for the procedure to be done and then for the results of that biopsy. I don't know how I am going to manage!!


22-02-12, 13:50
I had CIN3 cells about 14yrs ago... i had a colposcopy (not sure if cone biopsy is same)
CIN3 means the cells are abnormal to the degree they could turn into cancer.
Since my colposcopy ive had no reoccurance...

22-02-12, 17:23
Hi, I've had cin3 too about 6 years ago. I had to have LLETZ which is done by laser. I know it's hard to not think the worst but amCertain there can't be anything further up.