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View Full Version : All over again

22-02-12, 15:45
Hi everyone
I had the worst panic attack and flashbacks ever yesterday went to see a psychiatric nurse yesterday .
I have already had emdr and cbt and after waiting nearly a year to see him
I had to relive my experiences yet again.
This brought on a massive panic attack whilst I was with him and several flashbacks.
He then told me to then make an appointment with my gp to come of the propranolol as he wants to do emdr again as it won't work while taking this and other medication.
Gp said no she can ween me of them if I agreed but I still get panic attacks while taking them.
So back to square one I don't know about anybody else but all I seem to do is explain my situation to everybody I feel as if I'm on a merry go round and after 2 years of PTSD I am no further on than I was 2 years ago except I take more medication sorry people to burden you with my story take care Hodgie xxx

paula lynne
22-02-12, 16:22
Hi Hodgie x Im sorry you feel so low at the moment. Its the worst feeling having to describe what you go through during a panic attack and how it makes you feel. Ive only got to write down my symptoms etc (incapacity forms) and I often get so upset, that like you I start having a massive panic attack.

Hopefully, now they have a full understanding of what you are going through, you wont have to repeat it, and they can now start to plan a programme of suitable treatment for you. I hope the psychiatric nurse helps you, and you start feeling better soon. Dont give up x

ps, you are not a burden, dont say that about yourself x
Paula x