View Full Version : aching arms

cheryl foster
22-02-12, 16:13
for a few days now when i wake up..i have such bad cramp in both my shoulders..and sometimes the cramp runs down my arms..through the day is eases off a bit..if i sit in a position for too long..they start aching again.. as i suffer anxiety, im over worried about it..i have a ten month old..i dont know if its because im picking him up that caused it..but why is it worse in the mornings? when i move my arms in the air both my shoulders hurt.. has any one had this experience? gonna see doc tommorrow.:)

22-02-12, 16:56
I have a lot of problems with aching arms (particularly forearms) and shoulders which seems to come and go through out the day. I also get crampy pains where it feels like my arms have gone dead, especially when im in the same position for a long time or with repetative movements.
I think it might be because i tense/hunch my shoulders all the time, mostly unconciously. May be you are doing the same?

22-02-12, 17:38
I get allsorts of pains in my arms, aches, shooting pains, infact when I lift my arms up I hear a grating sound. My shoulders are so tense too and I have to constantly remind myself to relax them.

cheryl foster
22-02-12, 17:51
thanks ladies.:) i do sit with my shoulders hunched actually..gotta train myself to sit straight..sometimes get the pains up my neck aswell.do you kmow weather its anxiety related with you both? im wondering what my doc will say. x

22-02-12, 18:03
I don't know for definate cheryl, I do know though that I sit hunched up, and I'm wound up so tight because of anxiety, so I'm sure some of it at least is to do with that. I also carry around heavy toddlers most of the day which also doesn't help!

22-02-12, 18:04
Iv been very anxious over various other symptoms which i havent had a diagnosis for yet. However, I wasnt getting these feelings in my arms and shoulders untill I started to get anxious! I also get pains in my neck, up the side and at the back of the neck too. I feel like all my nerves are being twicked.

22-02-12, 18:06
Same with me Wendy, all these things happened once the anxiety and worry about the other symptoms kicked it!

22-02-12, 18:11
Its a vicious cycle!

cheryl foster
23-02-12, 00:17
thankyou both.. i guess anxiety plays a part it seems... or coincidence we all have these symptoms..wendy.. i can get anxious over other symptoms too...if i get head pains, i could swear it was a brain tumor.. even though i prob know its not..but the worry? i could do without. its tiring..jade.. i have a 10 month old that i pick up all the time.. maybe that doesnt help. x

victor jara
23-02-12, 20:49
I get dull ache and cramp in my arms as well Cheryl. I have also lost muscle from them. I find though when I am worried and anxious they are worse. I also find they are worse in the morning after waking.