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22-02-12, 16:45
anyone ever feel like there chest is tight, like they cant breath properly, is this something to do with my anxiety???

22-02-12, 17:02
yep defo i get it alot i think im gonna stop breathing but i know im not coz ive had it that many times try not to think of it coz that makes it worse try to distract yourself and keep tellin yourself you can breath its just a horrible anxiety symptom thats what i try and do x

Sammy J
22-02-12, 17:23
I get the tight throat as if someone is choking me, horrid feeling :(

27-02-12, 18:06
Hi all, am also new to the forum,
I also suffer with severe chest pains & nausea, try to keep telling myself there is nothing wrong with me as have had all tests done, so it must be anxiety, but at times it really gets me down. Was on mirtazipane until a month ago, but didn't feel it was doing any good so came off it, & trying to cope without any medication, have had some horrid feeling days, but also some ok days, just waiting for the good days to out weigh the bad ones. I live in hope.