View Full Version : Really bad time at the minute...

22-02-12, 19:59
So I have been diagnosed with health anxiety but at the moment am struggling to convince myself this is what I have, im scheduled for CBT in around 3 months and I'm going through a really bad phase this very minute.

I really worry about cancer as the main thing, at the minute its lymphoma, I just want to know if anyone can relate, I know its only temporary reassurance but I need it right now. Im just going to type the list of the symptoms that I have and the things I worry about.

Have bumps at the back of my throat that are all flesh coloured and don't appear to have changed since I first noticed them back in May 2011 which is when my health anxiety started up.

Really bad acid sometimes coming up to my throat
Sternum pain that has temporary relief when I stretch and pop it (On and Off)
Constant throat clearing, sometimes hocking up greeny/brown flecks
Sinus Headaches
Random Muscle twitches all around body
Skin Crawling feeling around stomach
Cold Hands
Pinhead blood dots on upper left arm
Subtle rash on cheek bones was told was sebhoeric dermatitis
Occasionally get the odd coffee grounds in stools
Occasional loose stools which tend to come before a spell of anxiety
Palipitations in random spots on body
Right side of body seems to have less muscle than left even though right side is dominant
Thanks Matt

22-02-12, 20:11
Hi matt well I do get a few of these.

I get muscle twitches alot all over my body, I also get the tummy crawling feeling and the loose stools alot in the morning when my anxiety is really bad xx

22-02-12, 20:21
Hi Matt
i could pick about 5 or 6 things of your list i have but wouldn't put it down to cancer. I know with HA that's all you can think of that there is something wrong with you but it's just mind playing on you , how about you try doing some relaxation or get some self help book in the mean time while you waiting for your CBT

22-02-12, 21:28
Hey Matt. Don't panic. I can tell you that I have had all these symptoms, all HA related so far. I'm guessing you have had a blood test? I am in the grip of HA at the moment and Lymphoma was top of my hit list. Your GP will know from a blood test if further investigations are needed, so i'm reckoning that they aremsatisfied that you are ok in that regard. Also your symptoms date back almost a year. The condition you fear, untreated, would have manIfested to the point of requiring significant intervention by now. Further, I am willing to bet your symptoms vary according to your anxiety levels? Only fear will do that, what you fear would not relent/ come and go.
Honestly, I really sympathise, as i know how truly awful the fear is. If you look at my most recent posts, you may have an idea where I'm coming from. Seize the brief moments of relief that you do have and know that means it is unlikely to be anything serious, beyond HA, which of course is serious in its own right.
Hang in there mate, you will get through this. Feel free to P.M me if you want to talk it through. I do know where you're at; i'm there too unfortunately...

22-02-12, 23:44
Thanks for all the replys sadly my doctor has never sent me for a blood test, the only specialist examination he has referred me to was a oral examination for a bump in my throat by a maxillofacial surgeon, the surgeon told me that this was nothing more than a mucous retention cyst or a bit of left over tissue from the tonsilectomy I had done as a child as it is where my tonsil used to be.

I have however on my own accord been for a hiv/std blood test in june of which all came back negative however im not sure this would pick up any immune problem as from what I read they only really look for the antibodies that fight HIV but im not sure.

Im feeling a little better its just researching is a horrible thing when it comes to disease, as im only 21 and it seems I would fall into the most common age for people developing hodgkins lymphoma however even then I worked out that the chances are something like 1 in 1000, worst thing is you always feel that you are that 1.

23-02-12, 01:12
Matt, i would be surprised if your blood test would not have identified an issue of your immune system battling something. It would have thrown your blood count out. If in doubt, check with your GP and ask for a blood test, they will normally do it and that will set you at ease for you to then tackle the HA and prevent a recurrence. If not, you can rest assured he is pretty confident that you are ok. Importantly you need to stop googling. It takes med professionals years of training to decipher symptoms, so what chance have we? Particularly when you consider that our psyche is all too ready to latch onto the most obvious, bleakest and invariably incorrect diagnosis. It really is a pointless and damaging exercise in most instances. If you think about it, many of us have already concluded that we are suffering from some disasterous condition before we consult google to merely re-inforce our fears! ' Tis often the nature of the beast i'm afraid and a painful journey.
I know where you are at, but try and distract yourself and you will be surprised how less intrusive your symptoms become. On the matter of your physiology; you'd be amazed how asymmetric the human body is, and remember you are probably looking through dismorphic glasses right now! I know, I've done it myself.
Of course it is important to maintain a dialogue with your GP. They are the pros, we can only speculate. If you have got to the CBT stage, i'm guessing you have travelled some well worn paths already. Stick with it and the advice of your doc. You can overcome it!
All the best

23-02-12, 01:19

As you'll see from many posts on here, lots of people suffer from a wide range of symptoms, most of which are related to anxiety. What we can't advise you on is whether your symptoms are caused by something else, only your doctor can do that.

What I can say to you is to trust your doctor and listen to what he/she is saying. If they don't believe you need further tests given the symptoms you are presenting with, please try to feel reassured. The problem we all face is that the symptoms are real and make us feel so ill that we find it impossible to believe that they can be caused by anxiety and not some serious, underlying illness. It has taken me many years to realise this and, over that time, I have suffered every one of the symptoms you quote and undergone a myriad of tests, which were all clear. I also had the STI tests (anonymously) you had to reassure me. They were all negative too but did they reassure me? Maybe for a couple of weeks.

I promise you that the more you google your symptoms, the worse you will feel. Although, as I said, we can't give you an assurance, your symptoms sound like typical anxiety to me.

Look after yourself and I hope you're feeling a bit better soon.


23-02-12, 14:44
woke up feeling a bit better this morning I imagine mt stomach will be off for the next week as it usually is after a big attack but i can deal with it thanks for all your replies guys

23-02-12, 15:08
Hey Matt, great to hear you feel better. Now, tell yourself your stomach will be ok. Positive thinking, thats the way forward!
All the best

23-02-12, 17:21
Keep at it Matt. Really glad you're feeling a bit better.

Take care


25-02-12, 00:20
thanks for all the help guys just wanted add that with the throat clearing the mucous is usually clear but then a few times a day i hockup some phlegm which is clear with flecks of a greenish brown colour mylust say I an a smoker but its worst in mornings can anyone relate to this, the throat clearing has been the most persistant symptom since i had the infection back in may