View Full Version : Question about thoughts/cognitions

21-06-06, 18:10
What kind of things make you panic the most? I mean, if you thought about what comes before panic attacks as kind of movie script, what would it be?



Two heads
21-06-06, 18:23
Im breathless alot, in fact most of the time. Then i have the fear of my heart giving up,then panick follows!!!

21-06-06, 18:28
Mines anything to do with my heart , tight chest, heaviness aches ect panic quickly follows.

Barb xx

21-06-06, 18:34
does that happen at any particular time or place? I mean, can you predict when it's going to happen

lisa p
21-06-06, 19:39
Mine is of being sick - when I go out, I am always looking for an escape route, a bin or sink to be sick in, or a alley way where nobody will see me be sick - daft thing is I have never been sick out since having these pa's

polly daydream
21-06-06, 21:14
For me is the thought of having a panic attack whilst out walking, also I get breathless which then makes me panic more, then I imagine I will have a heart attack.


Two heads
21-06-06, 22:02
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">does that happen at any particular time or place? I mean, can you predict when it's going to happen

<div align="right">Originally posted by Londonpsy - 21 June 2006 : 13:34:13</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">Theres never a real time i can predict it happeing,just maybe if im having a busy day. The stress of it maybe, i dont no!
And it seems to happen in shops more than anythingxx

22-06-06, 06:05
Mine is that I am breathless which triggers hyperventilation which makes me panic and its worse in closed in places like shops where I feel trapped. xx Wenjoy

marie ross
22-06-06, 08:41
Mine is a fear of fainting and losing it while in public. Sometimes i'm ok shopping or being around loads of people, but if i'm already stressed or tired i get that awful feeling of wanting to run away and panic, can never predict when its going to happen it just suddenly creeps up on me!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

22-06-06, 09:58
Mine is fear of having a panic attack and losing control while out doors.

Take care



22-06-06, 10:47
mine is the fear of having a panic attack whilst outside. just thinking about it is enough to make me feel sick and panicky.

20-07-06, 01:56
For me I start to panic if I am unable to get out of a situation or place, so I panic if I feel unable to escape. There are too many situations to mention but it can be a crowded supermarket or sat in the car at traffic lights.

I have developed 'fear of the fear of having a panic attack' which prevents me from putting myself in the situations where my escape may be compromised.

Sometimes my panic attacks are spontaneous, there seems to be no reason or precipitationg factor. I find these more difficult to accept.

20-07-06, 21:23
my panic attack trigger is motorways when there are lorries im ok if theres no heavy traffic so stupid really but im afraid of having an attack on the motorway and losing control of the car andkilling everybody

21-07-06, 14:45
I'm afriad of having attacks in places where it would be dangerous to lose control such as while driving. But I've been driving for 12 years, off and on with panic, and I've never hit anyone yet. You'd think I'd get the idea by now. :)

21-07-06, 15:20
worrying I don't love my boyfriend and will have to leave him.

21-07-06, 15:45
Mine seem to start when my thought process is operating on two levels and at two different speeds (if that makes sense) the conscious and the sub-conscious meeting when perhaps they shoudn't be??
