View Full Version : Is it normal to get panic attacks when you are relaxed?

23-02-12, 05:34
Hi all,
I've been a sufferer of anxiety for many years. It started in my teens with general anxiety about all sorts of things - trips, relationships, school, etc etc. Over the years it developed into health anxiety, most often a direct result of worrying about the troubling physical symptoms that were caused by the anxiety itself. My anxiety comes in "episodes" - usually really bad for a few weeks and then it settles down and I'm not bothered for several months to a year. A few years ago I started seeing a therapist and got my meds switched when I was going through a particularly stressful time. Things were starting to turn around after the therapy and meds, I felt like I was feeling normal again. Then, out of the blue, I got a panic attack. I had never gotten panic attacks up until that point, but the feeling was sudden and very scary. I've gotten them a couple times since, but they haven't been as scary as the first because now I recognize what they are. However, every once in a while I get them when it seems I'm totally relaxed. The last one I had was literally while I was getting a massage. I couldn't have been more relaxed and all of the sudden, BAM, heart beating fast, feeling out of breath, trapped, etc. I've now been afraid to go get another massage because I don't want to have a panic attack. I've also gotten panic attacks a few times in the night - I think it's called night panic or something - where I wake up in the night really alarmed, feeling nauseous, dizzy, etc. Very scary, but then I eventually fall back asleep and everything is fine in the morning. I guess my question is - is it normal to have panic attacks when you are completely relaxed, like getting a massage? Now I get to the point where I worry about having another panic attack, it feels like a vicious cycle. GAD and panic attacks AND health anxiety.....feeling a little agorophobic sometimes, or at least avoidant of unknown and unfamiliar places. I feel like I'm getting to the point where I've experienced every anxiety condition in the book. Just started on Zoloft a few weeks ago, seems to be working well so far, but I just hope it keeps my panic attacks and HA at bay. Has anyone else experienced panic attacks at completely random, relaxed times?


23-02-12, 08:36
mine strike at any time relaxed or not just as long as you know what they are and keep calm you will be fine

23-02-12, 08:58
like you i didnt have HA until i started having panic symptoms , i have three serious health issues which funnily enough i dont give a second thought to rofl,,yet since my first panic attack years ago,,the first sign of anxiety or a panic attack can have me a quivering wreck,,yes my attacks can come completely out of no-where,,i can be laughing with hubby or laying reading and whack,,at first this frightened me because i thought that the panic attacks must be something more i mean arnt panic attacks supposed to be when your stressed or scared rofl,,but i think mine can happen when im emotionly charged too,,lets be honest once youve had a couple you open the door to them turning up at any time just like an uninvited guest,,lol

23-02-12, 09:09
my panic attacks come from nowhere....sometimes I have an idea what has triggered them....sometimes not a clue....
it doesnt matter if Im seated,standing,shopping or even in the car,in a room on my own or with good friends....it can happen.That is the scariest thought....not knowing when,but Im learning to understand them more and have to remind myself,I wont die from a panic attack...it will soon be over....breathe!