View Full Version : Anyone else with a daily headache?

23-02-12, 08:14
Its always across my forehead and my temples and neck/shoulder muscles are sore and tense. Its starts with 30 mins of getting up and is on and off allday.

Drs yesterday ( for 6th time) said it was anxiety and now I have completed my first 2 weeks on 10mg citalopram then are uping the dose to 20mg.

23-02-12, 10:54
Hi Jakesmummy,

I suffered with headaches like yours daily convinced myself it was something serious also went to the doctors several times for them to say its to do with my anxiety.

I didn't believe them at first but I thought maybe if I stop stressing about it and do some relaxation and self massage and guess what it worked no more headache.

I did start stressing about some other illness yesterday and my headache came back as soon as I put on my relaxation cd and did some deep breathing it went

Ha really sucks it can do a whole host of things to your body and I know we think its always something serious and don't get me wrong I do too but if we learn to accept its anxiety that's half the battle.

Have you looked at the myhealthanxiety website its by s lovely.guy called David who.has suffered with Ha for 15 years he explains things to you and also has a list of symptoms of what anxiety does may be worth checking out.

Good luck stay well

Lisa x

23-02-12, 11:28
Hi Jakesmummy.

Everyday i get headaches roughtly around the same time of the day.

Try some tiger balm (white) works wonders just rub some on your temples and above your eyebrow takes my headaches away in a few mins. You can get it from most supermarkets for around £3.

23-02-12, 12:41
Yep, I have had a headache daily for two weeks. Like someone is sitting on my head, been to the doctors just a few times and they all say it is anxiety and stress. Get strange sensation down side of face as well. The only time it is not there is if I totally relax, go to the gym or fall asleep.

Hope you feel better soon :)

23-02-12, 14:54
yes ive been having headaches everyday for for quite a few weeks but i think they are stress headaches hey look at me being rational lol x

23-02-12, 14:59
Yes, for years due to neck and back tension. But I did end up buying an acupressure mat and it helps!! I have not needed ibuprofin for the past 2 days that I have been using it. It isn't perfect and takes getting used to but I have the reassurance that I am not taking too much NSAIDs