View Full Version : Struggling at the moment

23-02-12, 13:20
Im really struggling at the moment, my anxiety is really high all the time. Im scared i may be pregnant because i am late but i have done 2 tests and they are both negative. I feel sick but i dont know if its all in my head. I keep getting thoughts that i might have ectopic pregnancy and rupture and i am on the lookout for any symptom.
My doc has done blood tests for helicobacter pylori because i have had some tummy probs but i keep thinking it might be something worse and im scared to bits. Got to wait a week for results.
Now my ear piercing has started to weep & gone bright red and i have had no earring in there for about a year so thats freaking me out too.
Im so fed up. Why cant i just have one day where im not scared ill become seriously ill or die. I try to think im ok but just keep getting thought like 'What if its something serious' 'why are you late' 'these pains must mean something bad'
I cant go to the doc again, they are getting fed up of me, i think they just think im a headcase.
I dont know how to get out of this now.

23-02-12, 13:29
Hi Sarah

Are you having any treatment for your anxiety?
If you have tested negative for pregnancy then it's not likely you are, if you are very stressed that can delay your period. Plus anxiety may make you feel sick. If you need to keep going back to the doctor for reassurance then please do so, it's better than sitti g at home worrying unneccessarily. Maybe you could chat with him/her about how anxious you are feeling and they may be able to help?
I've just started some treatment for my anxiety and to be honest I feel so relieved that I'm on the road to becoming a happy relaxed me again.


Getting back to me
23-02-12, 13:34
You are not alone .Most if not all on here I suspect have either been where you are now or have been there in the past . Its the nature of this damn illness we suffer that makes you feel the way you do .See a different doctors if you have to .

I know how you feel as I have a docs appointment at 3.30 today and have already thought the same as you that they will think I am wasting their time ,but I have told myself that this pain is genuinly real and has been for two weeks .I can no longer afford to ignore it .I will do my best to deal with whatever comes along .I too highly suspect I will need you lot to lean on soon myself .Good luck

23-02-12, 13:42
Hi, thanks for replies, my doctor knows im anxious they have prescribed diazepam & proplanolol but i cant take them due to the fear of side effects, they have also referred me for cbt but i am still waiting since there is a long list.
I wish all doctors would just offer the reassurance we need

Getting back to me
23-02-12, 13:47
I have had 2 sessions of Cbt and do feel it is starting to help me .I am lucky that my PCT fund the sessions and that they are held very frequently here in the south west. Good luck with it .

23-02-12, 13:57
I've had diazepam and didn't experience any side effects other than the calming/sleepy effect which is what it it supposed to do. I had 2mg dose which is very mild and you would feel a benefit from it. 10mg is the usual dose for seizures. I haven't had propanalol but my partner has and he was fine. Maybe you could try taking a diazepam when you are feeling less anxious and more in control just to test it to prove to yourself that it won't make you feel bad? I know its hard to take something when you are already anxious and upset x

23-02-12, 14:06
Yeah cbt helped me too, i had it about 5 years ago when the anxiety got bad last time. Its good that you are having it, good luck with it im sure you will benefit.

I have the 2mg diazepam, i have been trying to convince myself to try one for months since i got them but they are still in box. Are they not very addidctive? I do have a better chance of taking diazepam tho to the propanolol because one of the side effects for propanolol are heart failure whichis very scary.

23-02-12, 14:12
They can be addictive if you take them all the time but with such a low dose the chances of that are minimal. I just used to take mine when I tried everything else to calm myself down and I felt I was about to go into a panic attack, worked really quickly, within 10 minutes and the relief is amazing. To feel calm and relaxed for a few hours instead of sheer panic is absolute bliss. Maybe try one just before you go to bed so there is less chance of you thinking about it all day? X

23-02-12, 14:22
Thanks so much for your advice. I will certainly try and take one, i think there will have to be alot of self talk before tho. x

23-02-12, 14:28
Good luck with it! It honestly will give you some relief. Just a few hours of being able to relax helps so much with reducing the things we worry about x