View Full Version : How extreme can your symptoms be??

23-02-12, 14:58
Sorry I am sure this has been asked before, but just how extreme do you find the physical symptoms of your HA?

I can intellectualise how I can imagine a naturally occuring ridge in my mouth is a cancerous growth, or a mole is a melanoma.

However, I am really struggling to accept how dizziness lasting all day, with bouts so bad I think I am falling/passing out, blurred vision, shoudlers going into cramp etc can all be produced my my mind.

I felt pretty OK all day yesterday, but have just been terrfying myself today. :scared11::scared11:

23-02-12, 15:21
Hey James, i hear what you say. If you check my post on the same issue 'anyone else', you will see my view/experience. You will overcome it I'm sure, but the sensations are very real. It is important not to panic and 'ride the wave', you will surface. The brain is so powerful and can literally manifest any symptom you care to think of. At some point you will want/need to consult your GP, the trick is to trust them and take their advice, rather than self diagnosing.
Take care and all the best.

29-02-12, 12:53
I am convinced that I am very skilled (unfortunately) at bringing on psycho-somatic symptoms so I am sure other things can be brought on by anxiety.

The other week, due a viral bug I read some stuff about some major conditions resulting in an enlarged spleen. Having no idea where the spleen was or what it was, I googled it. Literally, within an hour I was having pain there (no pain before checking where it was!). I also find that the more I think about lymph nodes I suddenly start to get 'twinges' in them. Also, I'm convinced I can bring on certain rashes/spots/pimples without too much effort.

The body is a mad thing sometimes

29-02-12, 13:20
im terrible if i get a pain or just a horrible feeling i think im gonna stop breathing and die im so focused on how im breathing its such a pain but deep down i know its in my head