View Full Version : Scalp spasm - any ideas?

23-02-12, 19:32
This is probably not the right place for this but the only place I have to ask.

Twice in the last 3 weeks I have had this sudden intense spasm that starts in my neck (at the back) then radiates up over my left ear. The pain is excrutiating but only lasts about 30 seconds. Then I'm left with slight tingling in my cheek and scalp and a pressure type headache. I had the same thing a couple of times about a year ago too. Any ideas?

I have, of course, consulted Dr Google (I know I shouldn't) and Occipital Neuralgia seems to fit, maybe?

I have had a number of health problems over the last year and it just feels like one thing after another :weep: and my anxiety over my health is at its peak right now.

paula lynne
23-02-12, 21:53
Could be a trapped nerve in your neck?
Go and see your local chemist, or gp if possible. Meanwhile, a hot water bottle on the neck will cause vasodilation to the blood vessels and increase oxygen, helping painful sensations. x

Stay AWAY from google! :ohmy: Naughty step now...a minute for each year of your age....
Hope you feel better soon x