View Full Version : breating?

23-02-12, 22:43
Hello - Im pretty sure it is anxiety, but i have this feeling like i cant breath properly.. i breath in deep and it feels better then it feels the same again, like i cant breath, i dont have a tight chest or anything just this weird feeling.. and i keep breathing then stopping to check for some reason! please somebody give me advice!

23-02-12, 23:51
I get this quite a bit, the last few months straight. It is a very common anxiety symptom. Mine is way worse when my posture is poor (I sit at a desk all day and drive 2 hrs to and from work). Breath in thru your diaphram not your chest...

24-02-12, 02:04
I never feel like I can breathe properly, it's horrible, I can't really give any advice except it's not uncommon and so many of us here have this problem.

24-02-12, 09:15
ive been like this all week its so horrible and scary isnt it but ive had it so many times nothings happened im still here thats what i try to tell myself and breath through your stomach not your chest just stay calm and try to distract yourself its when you take notice of your breathing you feel like that stupid anxiety !

24-02-12, 15:24
if u feel like that best thing to actually do is do a big breath OUT... really pushing as much air out ur lungs as u can... as this helps relax muscles that are affecting ur breathing x