View Full Version : Someone's opinion please, I'm goin crazy!

23-02-12, 23:45
Hi all, I just want opinions, I think I'm going crazy seriously!!

Is this HA or is there something more wrong with me?

This time last year I had a serious HA attack it was HIV I thought I had, lost a stone in weight( a lot for me I'm only 9st to start with) cried constantly for days to my family my colleagues and my friends. Was absolutely convinced that I had it. Had the blood tests done a was fine. Realised then that the reaction that I'd had was very irrational over nothing really. Promised myself that I would never get into a state like that again!

Fast forward 3 months, came off the birth control pill decided we'd try for a baby. It suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't had a pap smear for a while, so I booked myself into the docs only to be told that I couldn't have one because it hadn't been 3 years. Since then ( that was 6 months ago) I've started having pains in my pelvic region and have convinced myself that I have cancer!! Been to the docs numerous times and a&e to be told that these are just ovulation pains and it's just my cycle getting back to normal. Still they won't give me a smear! The doc I went to last has booked me in for a ultrasound. Buts that's only in 4 weeks! The thing that had just tipped me over the edge is i'm due my period but have had spotting for the last few days (sorry if too much info) and i've found out (on google) that it's not normal to spot and this could be a sign if cancer!! This has been happening for a year now! Someone please give me done advice I'm so scared!!

24-02-12, 00:49
Ok hi , you are not dying for one every blood test you have would show Changes in your cells , so no it's not cancer , your pain in side could be and believe me I ve had every single thing you described , from the HIV , to the pelvic pain I thought I wrote your post , any way each month two weeks before we bleed we ovulate , one month it comes from
Your left side the next the other side . So no you do not have cancer , you would not have pain , the spotting is more than likely your stressed ,stress does amazing things believe me to every part of our body . You will be fine I m sure hope this helps , go have a hot bath and relax , I know that's easier said than done , I know I ve been there xxxxxx

24-02-12, 01:25
Thanks, That gives me some relief, I've started to wonder whether or not i'm making the pain up! But what about this spotting before period is due?? That's definately happening!!

24-02-12, 08:48
Is there a chance you could be pregnant? Could be implantation bleeding. If not chances are your cycle is just messed up from the pill, it can take a while for things to get back to normal.