View Full Version : tft for panic attacks

22-06-06, 11:13
i was just sat at my comp thinking about tft treament i went to see some one and i had tft treatment about 3 times its so easy yet cost me 25 ponds a seesion wich was about an hour i would come out feeling ok by the time i got home it was as if i had never been i keep doing the tapping she learned me but no signs of releive as any one else tried this treatment along with other stuff i have had hypnossis acupuncture and tft nothin working
mind you i will admitte i have only been to all three about 3 times as money is the object i just can,t aford it why can,t we get theses things done on national health same with reflexolgy i think there is a lot in that as i learned when i could not vocus right and thought i might be gettin a migrain i down loaded the point on net and massarge my big toe and aye it brings instant relaif honestly
you no if doctors had a room were people could have theses treatments somany days a week he would have more spare time for other patients i do believe that any way would like to hear from any one who as tried diffrent things and what they thought of it bye for now trish

22-06-06, 16:34
Hi Trish
Whats tft?
Love Helen

22-06-06, 18:54
tft its thought field therapy
its were you have to tap with 2 fingers on diffrent mandran points i suppose its like acupuncture with out the needles you can read alot about it on net
i sent mary rose a whole script what i had sent to me a book called panic away it as tft in that as well i think its best to get a vidio and see how to do it as you do it to your self but like i said i went to a therapist
i say it as not cured me but i do find if i am haveing a bad time it can help calm me down honestly its worth looking up bye for now trish
ps just put tft treatment on googel see what come up

25-06-06, 08:40
Thanks Trish:D
Love Helen

26-06-06, 14:02
Hi Trish,
I've tried this tapping and have found it a very useful tool when I have felt anxious. Have you tried doing a 4-5 rounds of it and focussing on the cause of the anxiety whilst telling yourself that you accept it as being part of you? If you score your anxiety out of 10 before you begin your tapping ( 10 being the worst) and then re-scoring after - I find it has always reduced. I have repeated the tapping throughout the day when I need it. I hope this helps you a little.

Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

21-12-07, 20:02
You have to complete the cycle. if you do not "delete" it from your brain. it will remain. you have to do a cycle after you have removed it. that is open eyes close them etc etc.. while tapping the gamot spot. if you do not do this the emotional field will remain. simply doing the tapping sequence will not do this. it may remove it temp but not for good. thin of your brain as a computer and like you move a file into the recycle bin.. you have to "empty" the recycle bin in order to completely remove it from the pc. exactly the same.

im not a TFT GP only people trained by Dr Callahan or his workers are licenced. I happen to know such a person that taught me everything.

good luck x