View Full Version : Getting myself in a bit of a state ....

22-06-06, 12:38
I'm feeling so anxious today; I have my consultant appointment tonight to have my IBS-symptoms investigated. I don't know if I will have any tests done tonight (my GP referred me for sigmoidoscopy).

I'm scared by tomorrow I'll still be no further forward as to what's wrong with me.

I'm also scared that he WILL find something horribly wrong with me.

I've been awake since about 4am and I'm progressively getting more and more anxious.

I just thought getting it off my chest on here might make me feel better!

22-06-06, 13:36
when you are anxious you feel worse just think positive if there was anything wrong with you you would of known well by now let me know how you get on bernadette

22-06-06, 13:41
these ibs symptoms are so common with anxiety and im sure it is just that

just think of the reassurance and perhaps a few days breather from the worry if the tests are clear which im sure they will be

try to be strong


22-06-06, 14:36
I was a proper state when i had to go for the same tests. Gp even put me on beta blockers a few days before. But i bet you will get the all clear like i did and come out feeling like the cat that got the cream afterwards and within a couple of days the stmptoms will be more than halved! IBS is a classic for stress. And a classic for improving lots once you get the proper reassurance.
Good luck...stay strong!
Caz xxxxxxxxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

22-06-06, 15:15
I know how you feel. I haven't had those tests done, but I worry when I do see the dr. he will 1) think I'm nuts or 2) find something REALLY wrong and it will be too late.
But that has never happened yet and I'm still here. Try to tell yourself that even though it is scarey... and maybe even uncomfortable, that it's all for the greater good and will work out in the end... no pun intended! LOL
Let us know how it goes... or you can just PM me!

Best wishes!!


22-06-06, 18:10
I'm sure he wont find anything seriously wrong with you.

[^]Good Luck:D

Take care



emma chant
22-06-06, 19:10
Hi just read your topic.Im sure you have anxiety and thats it so, try not
to worry Think possitive and be strong,good luck.xx

e chant

22-06-06, 20:24
Just got back from appointment - consultant was really nice and has put my mind at ease a bit (for tonight at least!). He says it sounds like IBS and is booking me in for sigmoidoscopy, which will be in 6-8 weeks.

Now I just need to try and put it to the back of my mind until then. Any ideas how I do that????

Thank you all for your support and reassuring words, it's helped get me through today.


22-06-06, 23:31
Glad you've had some reassurance,im sure if he thought there was something more serious wrong he would have made your next appointment asap!

I know exactly how you feel though,i had what they think is a cyst removed yesterday and ive got 6 weeks to wait for the results. I know how hard it can be but try and stay busy and focus on the positive.

Take care xx

22-06-06, 23:46
Hi, good news from consultant. I know it is hard but write down exactly what he said to you before you forget and each time nasty thought comes in read back the truth that you have been told. i do this as it helps focus my mind on the positive truth and not the negative lie.

Take care

'This too will pass'