View Full Version : Does anybody suffer from frequent urination?

22-06-06, 12:50

I find my self yet again suffering with frequent urination and find myself needing the toilet quite often throughout the day.

I suffered this from last August and went to see specialist who did all the tests etc, which were normal.

This goes when I have something else to worry about but when spots and lumps dissappear etc my mind goes treight back onto this.

Does anybody else suffer from this and does anybody have any tips for me please as I'm sitting here thinking is life worth it anymore with health anxiety.

22-06-06, 13:06
Are you sure its more than usual or prehaps that you didnt notice when you were worrying about the other things? Just wondered because ive always gotta have something to worry about health wise it seems & i have an amazing ability of seeing things that have already been there but didnt dawn on me before. Its only when i really think about it that i realise its always been like that but i didnt give a damn when i had something else more pressing to worry about basically?
Caz xxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

22-06-06, 13:09
Yes to both symptoms, but I'm afraid I can't be of any help (yet). I have an appointment this evening to have my symptoms investigated. I'm going out of my mind with worry at the moment.

What tests did you have? Do you think there are any further tests that would put your mind at rest a bit?

I have just finished a course in massage, and it can be very beneficial for bowel conditions, to aid them to "work efficiently". It is also very relaxing. Have you got anyone who could give you a massage? It would hopefully take your mind off things for an hour or so, if nothing else.

I hope you are feeling better soon. If I come across anything useful, I'll let you know.

Take care,

22-06-06, 13:39

had it the other day in a supermarket with two of my kids. 20 month old and 10 month old. literally threw them into the car, took a massive panic and danced in the car for about 10 minutes before i could drive




22-06-06, 13:55

Blood tests
Urine tests
Kidney xray
Bladder xray
Telescope into the bladder

When I have things to worry about it goes but today as I'm worrying about nothing I'm focusing on it 24/7.

22-06-06, 14:39
Tell me about it reddevil. My chest pains are horrendous today & of course im not thinking about much else. i had such a good day yesterday too. Realised in the afternoon that i hadnt had any chest pain! Today is a guilty concience because i smoked a 10 pack of smokes yesterday. So my own fault. grrrrrrrrrr
C xxxxxxxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

emma chant
22-06-06, 19:40
HELLO im echant. I suffer from anxiety and when im really worried
i find i go 2 the toilet alot.I think its anxiety.

e chant

22-06-06, 21:24
Hey Tony,

my standby ailment/worry is mouth pain. As you say when all else fails (not managed to find anything else) i turn my mind back to this one.
Frequent urination is definately anxiety related, i mean if your going for an interview/going on a date/waiting for an important phonecall etc all you want to do is pee.

anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

22-06-06, 23:40
Hi Tony,this is the bane of my life at the moment. I have had the tests too, GP said it was anxiety related, but i insisted on seeing urologist, those of us with HA just have to get it investigated. had scans, urine tests and telescope. Everything is OK. Urologist has given me some meds to try to help alleviate the symptoms, he said it was probably brought on by stress and the anxiety is just making it worse. When I am relaxed I'm fine, last week was a lot better. This week I'm jittery and so is my bladder.

Take care

'This too will pass'

23-06-06, 00:24
Heya :)

You know how anxiety is a fight/flight response?

Well basically in the same way that increased heart rate increases blood flow so you can run etc, the frequent unrination is also a fight/flight response, if you need to run you'll be lighter if you empty your bladder and bowels, thats why some people get frequent urination and needing to poo!

24-06-06, 03:40
Dearest Tony

I feel like I have to Pee when I am having anxiety...so I think that is fairly common.

Life is worth living....even with health anxiety!!Think of all the people you may help one day because of the experience you are going through today. It may not seem like much of a motivater right now but serving others who are going through hell is the most rewarding thing we can experience. Most people with anxiety are serious over achievers with an above average intelligence. God has given us this lot for a reason. We have to believe that and look to help someone else that is perhaps hurting like we are. ;)

You are not alone!

Kind wishes


24-06-06, 08:22
hehe, if i had a dollar for everytime i had to pee a day.. i would be a millionare lol

24-06-06, 15:05
Have you been checked for diabetes? Fequent urination, thirst & exhaustion can be a sign of it, but apparently chronic stress alters the bodies sensitivity to insulin so can cause the same symptoms.
Might be worth just getting checked for the diabetes, but if its only the going to the loo you've got its more than likely the stress causing it.
Caz xxxxxxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

24-06-06, 15:50

Yes I was tested for diabetes several times and everything normal.

24-06-06, 19:06
i hoppe your right and god gave us this for a reason

i would love to think he is up there looking after me and helping me come out the other side in order to help others

i so hope your right as i know it makes us so understanding towords others unlike many who luckily for them understand it little


25-06-06, 12:21
Hi ardyce, that's a positive way of looking at something really negative. I agree that there is a reason for this, i don't believe God gave this to me but i know he can use my experience and what i have been through to help others.

Take care

'This too will pass'

26-06-06, 10:31
Hi Tony
I have done some research on this and apparently when our bodies get stressed a chemical is released that can irritate the bladder lining. It can cause all the symptoms of an infection but there is no actual infection. The bladder is very sensitive and is directly affected by stress and anxiety. I thought that it was all in my head but the truth is there are chemicals released that can do this.

Take care

'This too will pass'

27-06-06, 19:40
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Tony
I have done some research on this and apparently when our bodies get stressed a chemical is released that can irritate the bladder lining. It can cause all the symptoms of an infection but there is no actual infection. The bladder is very sensitive and is directly affected by stress and anxiety. I thought that it was all in my head but the truth is there are chemicals released that can do this.

Take care

'This too will pass'

<div align="right">Originally posted by Daisybun - 26 June 2006 : 11:31:27</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thankx, that sounds interesting, funny how this body of ours does stupid things!

28-06-06, 09:31
I too suffer from urgent/frequent weeing - it too is the bane of my life. I've had various tests done and very regularly get cystitis - I recently had a bout of cystitis whereby I needed to wee urgently but there was no pain - apparently it's still a bladder infection and whilst samples get tested and they come back "normal", there is obviously bacteria there as a course of antibiotics clears it up.