View Full Version : Bad day

24-02-12, 14:03
Hi Guys,

I just need to vent my frustration with my doctors bascially i changed doctors as my previous doctors were not understandng my health anxiety and getting frustrated like most people do with me nowadays anyways so i change doctors and i go see them because ive been getting bruises all over my right leg and cramp they say its nothing but to have a blood test to make sure so i go and have this blood test which was a fbc (full blood count) and i get a call this morning from the nurse saying my results are abnormal and i need to see my doctor on Monday ok so i put the phone down and bam two full blown panic attacks yay pains in my chest and recently pains in my back so i get scared and explain to the receptionist at the doctors i have health anxiety and i cant wait until monday to find out the results so she makes me an appointment to see another doctor well what a waste of time he just says he has to wait for the other doctor to check the and then talk to haemotology they think it could be factor V leiden mutation which is where your blood clots easily so i am 5 times likely to get thrombosis basically its genetic this has got me so worried and i dont know what to do how can the doctors just leave me like this im scared to sit down for too long now and im scared about having a baby as this could make you have blood clots iv'e known now for a while there was something wrong and now this has happened but people are just like its just the anxiety blah blah blah im only 25 and i want to live and im scared that im not going to now .i feel so upset and lonely and i dont know what to do noone seems to want to listen to me anymore.

Sorry for the rant im just so scared and upset and you guys seem to help :) x

24-02-12, 14:56
First of all hun, have you made another appointment to see your usual DR? I know so well how waiting and worrying can make us almost unable to function and aam so sorry you are in this place at the moment. Please try to think positively ( I do know it isn't as easy as that but try). If they have identified the problem that is good....they can fix it. There will be treatment that you can have and although I don't know a great deal about the condition, there is advanced treatment for most things these days and science is moving on all the time. Try not to Google this as it will only reinforce the negative...the Dr is the expert and he will be able to explain it to you best. I am thinking of you and will hope to hear how you get on. :hugs:XX

---------- Post added at 14:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:49 ----------

Lisa marie, Just noticed you said that "they think"...so maybe that is not the case at all. Just a thought. And I am sure that you could still have a baby with the proper medication and care. These are all things that you can sit down with the Dr and discuss when you she him next week. Sorry not to be of more help as I know how upset you are at the moment. Hugs anyway:hugs:XX

24-02-12, 15:29
Thanks Mahiri for your kind words and support I will
update you as soon as I can . I'm at the doctors on Monday.


24-02-12, 18:01
Will think of you then. I had a wee look on the internet and it just says that there should be extra pre-natal care and monitoring. I understand that it is a bit scary, but medicine is so advanced now that the best of care will result in the best of results. You are not going to die.XX

24-02-12, 18:23
My doctor rang and said I tested positive for factor v he also said my plateleys were slightly abnormal got to have another blood test.