View Full Version : Pains ...

24-02-12, 19:28
Sometimes when i breathe in it hurts like a strange electric shock or like a jabbing that goes from my back and into my chest and takes my breath away it only lasts like seconds but it really scares me.

Anyone have any advice what this could be?

24-02-12, 19:50
Not sure what this is....but i get it too!!!! stops me in my tracks for a minute, scary isnt it, but i have had this on and off for quite awhile, so rationally thinking as im still here, must'nt be 2 bad huh?? (nodding to convince myself :/ )

Debs xx

24-02-12, 19:52
Glad im not the only one it is very scary and googles not helping (shouting at myself for doingf asking ) . have you asked the doctor or anything i'm thinking of asking on Monday when i go.

24-02-12, 20:24
No i actually have never asked.....if u do ask monday, let me know whats said. Naughty naughty stay away from google!!!!! lol.

take care
Debs x

25-02-12, 11:31
I know that if I have been sitting particularly scrunched that I get a similar feeling. Do you find that you sit a bit hunched or with your shoulders pushed forward? Our posture can do the most interesting things to our breathing patterns and muscle movements

25-02-12, 12:24
Sounds like you might have caught a nerve. Did you speak to your Dr?