View Full Version : chest pain

22-06-06, 14:55
how does anyone calm themselves with constant chest pain

it is one of the symptoms that when it comes ( and it has been here for weekes) that i cannot accept is not my heart

because all the symptoms seem to suggest heart ie breathing, palps, chest pain etc then i find it difficult to even think of getting better

now i have the left arm pain.

id love to know. any of you out there who suffer the chest pain thing, how to you cope, bear, live with this symptom and accept it

finding it hard at the mo



22-06-06, 15:25
Hi Jackie, this is all so very hard isn't it? If it's not one symptom it's another eh? The only thing i thought about the chest pain is, if it was 24/7, woke me, literally stopped me living (i.e couldn't walk cos of breathlessness, and climb stairs etc.) and got worse it would be heart problems, i have seen someone have a heart attack, and believe me nothing you describe and that I feel happened. The symptoms you describe are almost certainly due to anxiety. It is so very hard, have no sound advice, but, maybe, read some old posts here, so many people have and do suffer with these symptoms, it may help take care xxjean

22-06-06, 15:58
Im going through the chest pain one at the moment. Had it back at the begining of the year, thats why i stopped smoking, then i had another health anxiety start up & the chest pains went on the back burner, the last week the chest pains are back. They are jabbing pains & can be anywhere on my chest & travel through to my back & shoulders. I got stuck in traffic this morning & they got worse, which made me think even more that ive got heart disease because stress is aggrivating it.
Its horrible. I dont get shortness of breath & only rarely get palpitations to be honest, which im thinking is a good thing. But im petrified at the moment that i will have a heart attack when im on my own with my kids.
I seem to have had every symptom under the sun with this damn health anxiety over the yrs except the brain tumor one, and ive now jinxed it i guess & that will be the next one!
Sorry, ive not even answered your original question. But i guess i dont know how to deal with chest pains, im trying to carry on as normal. I dont eat fatty food, i never eat fried food, im not overweight, i dont smoke as much as i used to, i only drink alcohol weekends. But all those things i used to do too much of. so im thinking the damage is done.
Hope we move on from this soon ey.
Caz xxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

22-06-06, 16:00
i have the same thing,had it for years and it tends to be digestive rather than muscular,so i am careful with foods that cause indigestion[more people go to hosp thinkin it is a heart attack to be told it is indegestion than you would think Jackie!]Warmth helps too ,hottie bottle or something.Herb teas too can help,peppermint,chamomile,valerian etc,calming teas.Leave caffiene well alone i drink red bush tea,sell it in supermarkets now,caffiene free and tastes lovely!If ithink of anything els wil let you know.OH THE ARM PAIN IS THE ANXIETY THAT COMES FROM THE FEAR THAT THE PAIN IS YOUR HEART!!!Love mary-Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

22-06-06, 16:36
I know exactly how you feel, i have a pain in my left arm 2day too, and i panic its my heart, to be honest im getting a pain some where different everyday and its really getting me down, ive been having like prickly feeling today aswell in my hands, ive had it before and it scares the hell out of me, what is it?? ive been to the dr and hesays i have classic anxiety symptoms, i hate it so much and just dont know how to stop myself from thinking ive got something seriously wrong me every time i get a pain, then i obsess over it and get really low and dont want to go out the house, its so hard to actually believe that these symptoms are nothing, i try and tell myself if i had had all the things i thought i did i would be dead by now. my dr also told me nothing that comes and goes is that sinister so try and remember that.
take care hun
leanne xx

22-06-06, 23:29
hi jackie,

if it is any consolation i get chest pains all the time, i have one nagging pain for about 6 months but its there when i get stressed and them the pain moves to my arms and my back and then before i know it i think i am having a heart attack.

its all part of anxiety and panic and basically its your muscles tensing up all the time and that is what is causing the pain, i know its hard to accept, but i have been like this for 2 years now and i am still here

take care and think positive


ruth x x

Two heads
23-06-06, 10:35
Owe poor you jackie.Those horrid chest pain again hun.I expect you have been hyperventaling again sweet.Are you still doing breathing exercises.I know i still get alot of chest pain because im still not breathing right and it does get ya downxxxxxxxxxxx