View Full Version : Alcohol

25-02-12, 20:45
Last Night i drunk a large quantity of alcohol like a veyr large ammount sort of like a session with the girl! well god am i paying for it today i have the worst ever anxiety my heart feels as though its going to stop beating any minute soon i just wanna cry my eyes out because i am so on edge with it today ! i suffer from health anxiety kinda bad iv been worse i guess but its just the fact im letting it get to me like a lil to much im that anxious iv had hours sleep last night due to a late night and i can even go to sleep because im so scared of what might happen :( somebody please give me some advise i feel so unhappy right now and tired :weep: xx

25-02-12, 22:21
this is why i dont drink..... i cant cope with the next day!!!! its horrific. i comfort myself with the thought that as the minutes pass by and the hours do i will start feeling better.... thats all i can do till it passes. and i keep talking, to my family. blow by blow account of every thought- it seems to help me......
basically,as awful as it, i just ride it out.... hope this helps???

25-02-12, 23:33
Hi Lourah,

There's no doubt that alcohol can increase anxiety so it's important to be aware of how it can affect you. Just keep it in moderation and make sure you don't get dehydrated so drink plenty of water between and after drinks.

For now, drink plenty of fluids, water or squash and, even if you don't feel like it, make sure you're eating - you'll be surprised how much better that makes you feel.

Catch up on your sleep and keep talking to your family. You'll soon be feeling much better.


26-02-12, 00:29
Dehydration : gives you anxiety like symptoms.
Next time drink a sugary drink with your alcohol , something like a sports drink will prevent dehydration .

Now the alcohol it's self makes your heart race .
I took my little finger heart rate monitor out with me one night.
I checked everyone's heart rate for fun.
One friend got freaked out cause his was 110bpm, lol that's nothing compared to how fast my heart can race!
Anyways a few minutes later he was throwing up and had to go home!

Also personally drinking too much alcohol or coffee makes my heart palpitations very bad indeed .

26-02-12, 00:33
Alcohol can be evil, I know.
24 hours is generally enough for it to flush through your system though.

26-02-12, 08:47
try to keep telling yourself it will pass ,it is horrible but a hangover never did anything bad to anyone hope you feel better soon xx

26-02-12, 11:20
you sound exactly like me if im hungover i cant drink loads now incase i end up feeling like that so i drink quite a bit of water before i go out and watch what i drink so i dont end up hungover and have panic attacks just make sure your drinking plenty of fluids and lie down relax and watch a film or read a book something to take your mind off it hope your ok x

26-02-12, 12:10
I used to drink alcohol regularly to get rid of the symptoms of anxiety. Alcohol does this by suppressing the central nervous system. What I didn't realise was that in the long term, it just kept my anxiety going and if I had a heavy session of drinking, the next day I would have anxiety so bad that I would regularly have panic attacks. Drugs in general, including alcohol always make anxiety WORSE. You don't need to give up drinking totally but I haven't touched a drop of alcohol for two weeks now and I'm feeling good.
You will feel better - drink lots of water!