View Full Version : So many things going on in my mind right now and very lost

26-02-12, 10:10
Right so I've posted in here before about this issue.

Basically I am leaving my current (part-time) job in retail to train as a teacher in september.

I have been worrying about this on and off for the past 3 months (since i found out I had the place) and its made life a living hell for me.
I know I have to do it, there's no way I can't but I'm scared to death of their reaction and how they will treat me once they find out that I'm letting them down and leaving them.
I've been with the company just over a year and its been quite a good company to work for all in all. But I need a full time job really and a career. I've been to university and have a degree and don't want to throw it all away.

Now to make life even more complicated for me I have been asked to go on a course with the company and stay overnight in a hotel for two nights. After this course it will mean I am qualified as a nutrition consult and therefore help the store in that way. A big part of me feels awful as I know I'm leaving and they have absolutely no idea at all.
Due to my anxiety I also dont like going to places on my own, and its very far away from me, I also really don't like staying in a hotel by myself.

I don't know how to get out of it as hes already put my name down and I'm due to go up there in a few weeks time.

I can't tell him already that I'm planning to leave or he will sack me on the spot for leaving anyway.
I feel as though I'm letting the company down massively and taking advantage of what they are offering me.

I feel like I'm close to having a mental breakdown. Please help.

26-02-12, 11:48
Either you tell them that have personal problems and can't go away on the course, just make something up.

Or you tell them the truth, see what they say and then try to get a different job to bridge the gap until you go on your teaching course.

Once you get around this problem, which is not a huge deal and I'm sure you can work something out, then you will feel a lot better.

26-02-12, 17:32
Either you tell them that have personal problems and can't go away on the course, just make something up.

Or you tell them the truth, see what they say and then try to get a different job to bridge the gap until you go on your teaching course.

Once you get around this problem, which is not a huge deal and I'm sure you can work something out, then you will feel a lot better.

Well I don't want to tell them that I'm leaving yet as its not easy to find a job at the moment and especially not just for a few months.
I could make up something like family issues but now that they've put my name down I don't think its gonna be ideal for them as it will leave them in the lurch.
It may not seem a big problem to others but to me its taking over my life!

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 14:45 ----------

My palms are sweaty and tingling and my heart rate is fast and I feel very nauseous. I don't know what to do!