View Full Version : pins and needles in face, arms and hands

22-06-06, 23:33
can anyone please tell me if they get pins and needles in one side of there face and in there fingers. i have had this now for about 3 days and it is driving me mad.

i know it is anxiety but i keep panicing about it, i have been to the doctors and he took my blood pressure and he didnt seem bothered by it, he put it down to anxiety, so why dont i believe him.

i hate feeling like this it feels like one constant battle after another

every week another symptom to put up with, does anybody else feel the same or am i just being too anxious

ruth x

22-06-06, 23:43
Hi Ruth
I get pins and needles in various parts, usually hands and feet but tingling all over at times. Even when i'm not that anxious. I agree that it gets wearing everytime i deal with one thing another pops up.

Take care

'This too will pass'

23-06-06, 13:02
I had pins and needles all down my left side last week (arm, hand, leg, foot, face) - it was searching for those symptoms on the 'net that I came across this website! I was convinced I had MS on top of everything else. I didn't see how in any way it could be related to my other symptoms (bowel/tummy probs).

My GP said it could be viral, could be heat, could be anxiety - she checked my neurological responses and said everything was fine.

On all the info I had read on anxiety, it related pins and needles to panic attacks, which I assumed meant the symptoms came on when you were feeling anxious and went when you calmed down; however mine just stayed with me constantly, worrying me like hell, for a full week. Every morning I'd wake up and wiggle my toes, thinking "has it gone" and it would really depress me that it hadn't.

Anyway, after a full week of this, I woke up one morning and it had gone!

Reading old posts on this site, it seems that it can go on for a very long time. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but I know you will worry anyway until it's gone, which I hope for your sake is soon.

I found it a really distressing symptom, but I'm hoping that if it happens again I will be less anxious about it (probably not!).

Take care,

24-06-06, 11:00
hi i get pins and needles in my back, my dad is a nurse and has told me that pins and needles is a sign of anxiety (if you are anxious about things) i was worried that i was having a stroke ( i am very dramatic) i am sure its nothing to worry about take care x


07-12-11, 18:05
Hi everyone in this thread. I know this thread is really old but I'm curios to hear from those of you who had the pins and needles in one half of the body (face, hands, arms etc). How has this developed for you and have you found out what this is? My wife has had these symptoms for a couple of weeks now and we are starting to worry that this could be something serious. I'm hoping this has passed for you guys and this was something banine... Hope hearing from you!

16-02-12, 06:47
Hi, does your wife still have these symptoms? I wish I could help although I am having these symptoms myself, pins and needles in my little finger and ring finger on my left hand for a couple of days now continuously. I thought it would pass however I have just woken up with pins and needles on the left side of my face leading down to my neck.

I've read it could be anxiety as I have been quite worried recently about a relative in hospital. However this does not fit in with me waking up in the middle of the night with it in my face... Does it?

I appreciate any help, thanks
Ps I'm 22 and live a healthy lifestyle, tennis every week.