View Full Version : Dizziness When Tired

26-02-12, 22:45
Sometimes I get dizzy when I have a panic attack so I've been putting this off for a while...

Whenever I get tired, even a little bit, I start getting really dizzy. My brother has sleep deprived and stress induced epilepsy so I am terrified that I might develop it too. What else could cause this? It's fairly new.. Only been going on for about 4 months now. Could it be anxiety based or is there more to it? I briefly mentioned the dizziness while anxious to my GP and it got put down to panic attacks.. But I'm not having panic attacks every night.

I'd really love some advice on this.. Should I go back to my GP? Could it be something really simple?

26-02-12, 23:52
I get dizzy spells. and I feel I have a fuzzy and heavy head! also get bad tension headaches through stress, anxiety etc etc!! I would go back to docs and make them explain to you why they think this and make you feel u have been listened to and taken seriously! Hope u feel better soon x